Kids coming to school high.

<p>Pretty funny. They act really silly and just Zone out in class.</p>

<p>They havea lot of guts to do it.</p>

<p>It’s nothing out of the norm at my school. Most teachers don’t know what kids are like sober. And I know quite a few kids who perform better while high than while sober which I personally find weird.</p>

<p>its because ur high becomes your sober</p>

<p>A lottttttt of kids at my school do this.</p>

<p>Not necessarily. It happens with some newly christened pot-smokers/pill-poppers/coke-snorters.</p>

<p>Coming to school high? Kids get high in the bathrooms here!</p>

<p>They smell bad… And I would rather sleep.</p>

<p>■■■■■, in my Marine sci. Honors class a few kids show up blazed almost every day (1st period), and it’s pretty funny.</p>

<p>No names on the kids though… :wink:
But of course not me.</p>

<p>Almost all of the stoners have an A in that class though.</p>

<p>People can function better high than they can drunk, and can think better (in my opinion). Most of the time, thats true anyways.</p>

<p>And high people here don’t smell, lol.</p>

<p>And also, pot smokers shouldn’t be considered with coke snorters or pill poppers, because that’s definitely not the case for my school.</p>

<p>Nobody gets high in the bathrooms here.</p>

<p>And I don’t even know why its considered “guts”. Because you can function, and, it’s not like anyone cares. My freshman english teacher knew of all the people that would come to school high. It’s pretty funny actually.</p>

<p>Kids never come to my school high ever.</p>

<p>No one ever comes drunk or high. Ever. They would get caught pretty easily.</p>

<p>^ haha. Naive.</p>

<p>LMU, I grouped those three types of drugs together because those are the 3 big ones at MY school.</p>

<p>Well it is called “high school.”</p>

<p>Kids get high at my school in the bathrooms too…the bathrooms smell pretty horrible afterwards and kids ask the nurse to use her bathroom instead, lol</p>

<p>“^ haha. Naive.”</p>

<p>Haha. Presumptuous prick. My school has ten-person class sizes. Most of the teachers are not that old/lived in the '60s and '70s as teenagers. The one person who liked to wake and bake left the school under pressure.</p>

<p>One time, a kid told me that he knew he’d made a mistake by coming to school high when he was trying to operate a band saw in first-hour woodshop. I was like, “That seems obvious.” >_<</p>

<p>haha in my english class last year, this girl i’m friends with comes over and was like guess whatt? i just ate a shroom in the bathroom… hahah it was actually pretty funny… she was really out of it for the next 2 periods</p>


<p>How could the bathroom smell honestly horrible?
Seriously, does Weed really smell that bad? I don’t think it does. A lot of people know the smell and like it, and don’t smoke weed.</p>

<p>doesn’t bother me, if anything, it’s quite hilarious.</p>

<p>umm well weed does have a strong odor. some like it, some dont. its not gross or anything though.</p>