kind of a cute story

<p>i just wanted to share this with yall cuz i think people on here might get something out of my little experience. it's kinda like, we're taking the hardest classes with all of the smartest kids and we forget that we are pretty good, even if we're not the best.

<p>so i was at starbucks, skipping my class at the community college at 7 in the morning, and i'm sitting there with my calculus and my huge ap physics book (for scientists and engineers) doing my homework. and this guy comes up to me, he's prolly a UT student, and he's like "what physics are you in" and i'm like "oh i'm in high school" and he's like "really?" and then his girlfriend comes up and she's like "and your in calculus too???" and i'm like "well.. ya.. i wanna be an engineer" and they're liek "wow! and your still in high school? well it seems like your on the right track!" and i'm like "ya... i hope so..."</p>

<p>and it just made me feel good. that they were so impressed with me. because i never feel like anything i'm doing is really impressive at all... just because there are a number of people out there who took calculus as juniors or even before that. so it was kind of a reality check. </p>

<p>ok... that's my story.
feel free to share stories of your own.</p>

<p>aw that is cute :) and i was most impressed by your going to starbucks at 7 in the morning! i don't have any stories now, but would love to read more :)</p>

<p>haha, that's great. I was in my cc philosophy class right before we took our final, and was just chatting with people, like I had throughout the class, and I told them I was in high school, and they all freaked out. It was hilarious. They were all impressed and like "can you even drive..?", and they thought I was really crazy when I told them I was a sophomore. It made me feel sort of special, hah.</p>

<p>haha, priceless...</p>