<p>I got my packet in the mail yesterday (Tepper) about registration, but a few things confused me. First, on the cover letter it says that we should take the Calculus and English placement tests, but the information about the english placement test states that you only need to take it if you are a nonnative speaker. Also, it says that we will register for classes in August, but that seemed a little late. Does everyone register online in August?</p>
<p>The English placement test is only for nonnative speakers, it just says to take it in the cover letter because some people only read the cover letter.</p>
<p>As far as registration: Many required freshman classes have spaces already reserved in them (by school), so registering in August isn't an issue as long as that's when everyone else in Tepper is registering. Everyone who isn't an incoming freshman is probably (mostly) registered already (there are waitlists/quasi-undecided people). There are some classes where there aren't reserved spots, which kind of stinks, but you can always get on a waitlist and talk to the professor, since many people drop and change classes during the first week of school. Last year CS was the last to register (during orientation, everyone else registered before they got to school), and as a result a bunch of CS people couldn't take interp & arg first semester or couldn't get into their chosen sections. We all survived though- I'm sure you will, too.</p>