Kings Point on "This Old House"

<p>'s not Hollywood, but, heck.....from alumni news</p>

<p>Kings Point on "This Old House"</p>

<p>March 22, 2006 </p>

<p>All are encouraged to tune this weekend to PBS for episode #2521 of "This Old House". On behalf of the USMMA's Alternative Power Program, Program Manager Greg Sachs describes how a "Solar-Hydrogen" system can be used in a house and the basics of fuel-cell operation. This was filmed as part of USMMA's involvement in the "2005 Solar Decathlon." Detailed information on our involvement and a picture of the filming can be found at this Solar-Hydrogen link.</p>

<p>The episode premiers on PBS Stations Saturday at 4pm, and is repeated on Sunday at 7pm. (Please note that as the NY Metropolitan PBS has been involved in pledge related activities, this episode has already premiered in other non-NY regions.)</p>

<p>Couldn't think where to post this - just bought a Mercury MARINER hybrid. Had discussion with son on merits of various batteries - had too look up much technical stuff to verify it wasn't like laptop batteries, etc. As I was debating with him - he pointed out that he had some experience in this area as he WAS studying engineering and power. He finally agreed that it would work but was skeptical for the long term. But it is pretty and we tested it going up snowy mountain this weekend and it was great! And we felt so green and politically-correct while getting 30+ mpg even going up mountains! Had to share.</p>