Kings Pointer Named Navy's Top Ship Driver

<p>Each year thousands of candidates from different classes of ships are entered in a competition for the title of the Navy’s Best Ship Handler of the Pacific. This year, the Naval Air Forces Pacific Fleet Junior Ship Handler of the Year award was bestowed on Kings Point alumnus Lieutenant Zachary Brown, who currently serves as Assistant Navigator of the 103,300 ton, 1,092 aircraft carrier USS Stennis. LT Brown was selected by his command to represent all aircraft carriers stationed on the West Coast. </p>

<p>“It is a great honor to win this award in such a distinguished field of ship handlers,” said Brown. “I’m sure that it was incredibly tough to pick a winner.” </p>

<p>Brown attributes his success not only to hard work, but the guidance and training of those who work with him. </p>

<p>“I had many expert officers of the deck (OODs) who were kind enough to spend many hours discussing ship handling theory and techniques with me,” said Brown. “My goal is to train future OODs and conning officers so they can be skilled ship handlers.” </p>

<p>“LT Brown has defined the bar by which others are measured,” said Captain Ronald Reis, the Stennis’ commanding officer. “His thorough preparation, in-depth knowledge, calm professionalism and mature decision-making have made him my most trusted ship handler and bridge team leader.” </p>

<p>Brown, a native of Ledgewood, NJ graduated from the US Merchant Marine Academy – Kings Point – in 2002 and is an E-6 Mercury pilot, previously serving with Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron 3. He has previously been awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (two awards), the Air Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal and the Iraq Campaign Medal. </p>

<p>The award comes roughly one month after Stennis completed a successful seven-month deployment to the US 5th and 7th Fleet areas of operations. </p>

<p>This article was originally written by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Kathleen O’Keefe for the USS John C. Stennis Blog and was edited by John Konrad</p>

<p>I won the same award for “Destroyers” in 2002, and the guy before me was also a Kings pointer…</p>

<p>Not sure if you can read into the data but would offer that per-capita, Kings Point makes for a great place to learn how to drive ships!</p>