Know Anyone Who Only Applied To Reach Schools?

<p>I learned today that one of my classmates only applied to 4 schools. Those schools were SUNY Binghamton, Cornell, MIT, and Harvard (all regular decision). Now, my classmate is a smart guy - high SAT math score and grades, NMSF. However, in CC terms, he's entirely average - dragged down by his almost total lack of leadership in ECs (and spotty involvement to begin with), "average for CC" CR and Writing scores, and the somewhat bizarre/unintelligible sense of humor I suspect he'll have used in writing his essays. We come from an unknown, poorly-funded public school where almost no one gets into prestigious schools. Very obviously, his last 3 picks aren't safeties for anyone - and SUNY Binghamton, which would have been "safe" a few years ago, has had its applications jump a LOT this year (I can't remember the exact percentage, but it was at least 30%). His odds there are much better, but it's still not a sure thing. My classmate is lucky (made so by his charisma), so I suspect things will work out for him, but he definitely didn't play it smart. </p>

<p>Do you know anyone who only applied to what CCers would consider "reaches"? Did they realize what they were doing?</p>

<p>I know somebody who applied to 13 schools after being deferred double-legacy Dartmouth ED. The deluded thing thinks she actually applied to safeties too-such as Wash U, Emory, and Notre Dame. Not great SATs, not great scores, or anything outstanding enough to merit this</p>

<p>SUNY Binghamton is a good school and while the applications have increased, I highly doubt he’d ever get rejected there. State schools for the most part are pretty consistent in their admissions so I’d say in terms of getting into a college he is fine.</p>

<p>I did but that was only because I got in ED</p>

<p>rumor has it that one person is applying to all ivies + stanford + Uchicago. That’s it. He’s got the numbers, but that’s about all he has, so good luck to him. He’ll probably need it.</p>

<p>The best student academically at my school applied to UVA as his only safety.</p>


Same here. And we’re out of state. She’s going to MIT, though, so… doesn’t really matter.</p>

<p>Someone at my school last year applied to MIT, Stanford, and the local college that he really, really didn’t actually want to go to.</p>

<p>Sucks for him. Pick your safeties carefully. xP</p>

<p>I know someone last year that only applied to Stanford, and UCs… far below Stanford average. Eventually, her transcript didn’t even count for the UCs because she spent part of her high school career outside of the US… The transcript was OK for Stanford, but she was rejected… so she should have checked her facts before choosing her campuses… </p>

<p>Actually, UC Merced took her despite irregularities… and by all accounts she’s happy there…</p>

<p>When all of sons applications were in, I looked at the list and thought… wait, what are his safeties and are they truly safeties? His college counselor has assured us that there are at least two and it was really pushed that you don’t apply to any school you wouldn’t want to absolutely attend. But when every college application is RD with answers not coming until the end of March/April, it makes for a very nerve wracking two months of waiting.</p>

<p>I know one kid who was set on applying to 5/8 ivies, bucknell, and lehigh. He called bucknell and lehigh his “safeties.” His EC’s were average, 1960 SAT, and average SAT II scores. He’s ranked one, but so are like 8 other people. Kids at my school know nothing about the college admissions process. I think last minute he decided to add Drexel as a safety when he was rejected from Yale. Thank god.</p>

<p>I decided on colleges really last minute since I wasn’t able to visit the ones I intended to, so I ended up just applying to Yale (deferred), MIT, Stanford, Princeton, Brandeis, and UVA… oops… but I’m a legacy at UVA, so I get counted as in-state.</p>

<p>I don’t see anything on UVAs web site about legacies getting in-state preference.
[Virginia</a> Domicile, Undergraduate Admission, U.Va.](<a href=“]Virginia”></p>

<p>I think some parents who got in to selective schools themselves many years ago do not understand the difference between their own admissions process and the one faced by their children.</p>

<p>I completely agree. Parents fail to recognize how competitive society has become.</p>

<p>I applied to 10 reaches and my in-state safety school that I got a full ride for.</p>

<p>I only applied to top 10 schools.</p>

<p>^ seriously? ■■■■■… and God help you if you’re not a ■■■■■… </p>


  • Winston Churchill</p>

<p>I think CC is like this… :slight_smile: Put the best together, and all you get is the sum of their fears…</p>

<p>Blair Waldorf. She only applied to Yale. :)</p>

<p>I only applied to reaches. I didn’t like any of the safeties I could have applied to.</p>