Krannert or Kelley Business School

<p>Hello everyone, while I have been trolling on here a while, this is my first post. My son was recently admitted into IU's business school and Purdue's business school. Does anyone have an opinion on which program is best? He thinks he would like to become a CPA or possibly an actuary, obviously that is subject to change. I know the Kelley school of business is highly ranked, but I think that Purdue may have a better name (or is this just for engineering). Any opinions would be greatly appreciated. We are planning on visiting both schools in March, and I realize that the visit should help him determine the better fit, but I am just looking for opinions on recruitment, job placement, etc. Thank you so much in advance!</p>

<p>Both schools are great. I choose Krannert over Kelley when I was deciding. I am currently a junior in Krannert right now so I’m sure I can answer some questions. I’ll try to be unbiased but I think Krannert is better. IU was actually ranked #13 overrated college in the nation on huffingtonpost. Krannerts undergrad business school was ranked #21 in the nation. Purdue overall is ranked #4 in the nation for recruitment ([Best</a> Colleges & Universities - Ranked by Job Recruiters -](<a href=“Best Colleges & Universities - Ranked by Job Recruiters - WSJ”>Best Colleges & Universities - Ranked by Job Recruiters - WSJ)). Also, I think that Purdue is much more prestigious than IU. No one’s really heard of IU unless you’re near the midwest. Purdue is recognized world-wide. </p>

<p>Obviously, your son should go where he feels more comfortable. For me, that was Krannert. I don’t regret my decision one bit. I’ve learned so much since I’ve been here and have already secured an internship for next summer.</p>

<p>Thank you so much for your reply bjunior92 and congratulations on your internship! This will be a tough decision for him (but exciting!). The rankings confuse me so much. I guess it is best just to visit and let him determine where he feels most comfortable. Thanks again, and good luck on your internship!</p>

<p>You are very welcome! I hope your son chooses Krannert! Thank you and good luck to him and wherever he goes!</p>

<p>What is the Krannert Direct Admit program? What does it mean if a student was accepted into Krannert but not Direct Admit?</p>

<p>@Tres: Direct Admit program is basically wherein the student is directly admitted into the school and does not have to acquire a certain GPA in general classes before possibly being admitted. Also, the student is put in an LLC (I think) and has a few other options available. If you’re not in Direct Admit, you just have to get a good GPA to get into Krannert officially.</p>

<p>This is what I gather from my talks with the Krannert people. I’m Direct Admit, so yeah.</p>

<p>Thanks @Pitt. How are you notified of being Direct Admit?</p>

<p>They sent me a letter a while back before admission decisions stating I was “being considered for it.” Got accepted, then got another letter (handwritten) officially stating I was definitely a direct admit.</p>