<p>Now that the hope of attending an American College is all but gone, I would like to hear the opinions of my fellow CCers regarding these two institutions for engineering programs.</p>
<p>Though there is a lot of politics in IOE, I would certainly suggest you IOE over KUSOE.
If you want to go outside Nepal for your M.E, IOE’s program is highly appreciated outside Nepal.</p>
<p>Ok tell me dude, which one do u prefer: MIT or Caltech???</p>
<p>IOE and KU are at same position for Engineering. Here in Nepal its the prejudice among the people that IOE has a better academics. But believe me, KU is a great campus for Engineering so as to compete IOE. IOE has lot of politics and all, plus the classes schedule are not very organized.I have bunch of friends, seniors and graduates there.The guy who built DANFE (I hope u know that),I know him personally. He was a Mech Eng graduate @ IOE.Even he said me same things that I’m telling u here. I even know the topper of Electric Department of IOE who recently graduated.He said me the same things. –> Academics isnt really gr8 because its all Do urself job.Its the students who have brought good results because of their hardwork and made the college famous, not the fellow professors. And sometimes, they(students) dont even get teachers because, being a public institution, teachers easily escape classes and go abroad for their Phds and research stuffs…Yes, u do get Model Questions, Past Papers, Drawing instruments and Nasta paani by political seniors, if u’re a good freshman.But academic is just a part. And it really isnt that BIG, as the Nepalese people think about it.</p>
<p>ABout KU: In the past years, KU has really upgraded and updated itself. Classes, facilities,internships and exposures: all are excellent so as to able students to compete nationally & internationally. I was myself accepted for Mech Eng at KU, and I know how gr8 programs they have. Plus, @ KU, u’ll live a real campus life, not some BS.
Its true that at IOE, u’re gonna be surrounded by some of the best kids of the country but let me remind u, its u who is gonna study & score, not them.</p>
<p>The college reputation has nothing to do when u go outside.Its again ur GRE scores, research and ur grades.I even know a couple of KU graduates who have gone US for higher studies with great scholarships. (And I dont mean to say that students from IOE havent gone abroad.)</p>
<p>My suggestion: Dont go after the college reputation and the people’s prejudice. Its u who is gonna study. Had u been accepted by BYU with fullride, u wud have surely attended.Then why such preference here.Both of these colleges are great and u’d have a great future at any of these.I mentioned MIT and Caltech because MIT is still considered superior to Caltech by many people when infact both these colleges have xtremely strong academics but differ by just few .something points in US news ranking.</p>
<p>PS Decision is urs.</p>
<p>I too go with trinitian’s view. Between I prefer Caltech over MIT.</p>
<p>^^Ha ha…now we have our own thread to discuss and fight about Nepal’s colleges…thats great! :D</p>
<p>^^ haha :D</p>
<p>^ I prefer IOE…:D…trust me…it teaches u a lot more than academics…</p>
<p>I m with Joshephite…i’ll go for I.O.E…lads if are to succeed then Its u who has to study…not the teachers…Ok good mentors are essential but if u look at the greats they were their own mentor…and i too am more of inclined towards “self study” if u persevere then only u’ll know what it takes to reach the pinnacle of the…if ur mentors make it way too easy for u then better pay loads of money and hire some personal tutors…so I.O.E is perfectly fine…despite all the politics…</p>
<p>The biggest risk of studying in KUSOE is not being recognized outside Europe (especially Norway)! Yes, it sounds crazy but one must understand the risks of going to KUSOE. Though they might have a fine academic program, their course load is hardly known around the world. KUSOE was established few years ago with the help from some Norwegian universities and its actually fine if one wants to study in Norway or even in Europe for M.E. Even working inside Nepal after B.E will not be that bad but if one wants to go somewhere outside Europe, KUSOE won’t actually help. Remember, YOUR UNDERGRAD COLLEGE MATTERS A LOT!
If you don’t believe me, you can download the prospectus of KU and check out their relationship with universities in Europe and the United States.</p>