
<p>How does one go about getting a job at Kumon? I am very interested in tutoring a few days a week after school starting next fall, but I'm not exactly sure how to go about it, and I know there is a Kumon center nearby. I'm 16, soon to be 17, but as a rising junior I have never taken the SAT or ACT (the website mentioned something about a certain required score?). Are there any specific requirements? What sort of tasks would be part of a job there? </p>

<p>I'm hesitant to just walk in and fill out an application without knowing exactly what I'm doing.</p>

<p>Here's what Kumon is (I worked there for about 4 months): the only requirement is that you're decently intelligent. You're on CC, so you probably pass that. You'll spend all your time grading student's papers. Kumon is not a "tutoring" facility as other places like Sylvan are. Kumon is an independent learning center. It's based entirely around kids doing worksheets on their own. I would not classify working at Kumon as "tutoring" unless you got a special position there, which are normally reserved for adults with college degrees or at least significant experience.</p>

<p>That was my experience. Your Kumon center may be different, but I wouldn't count on it.</p>

<p>Luxar3000 sums it up pretty well. The job seeking process is probably a little bit different from Kumon to Kumon. At my center, if one employee recommends someone who is potentially interested in working there, that someone is called in for an interview. Also, you can email or call yourself to express interest in a position. There isn't always one available, but my center director keeps a list of possible candidates for the future (since the seniors have to leave at the end of every school year).</p>

<p>My suggestion for you would be to contact your local center director either via a drop-in visit, email, or phone. The one thing my director hates is when a potential employee's parent does the inquiring rather than the student himself, as it suggests a lack of independence.</p>

<p>When I got my job at Kumon, I'd taken the SATs but wasn't asked about my score. They didn't ask to see a copy of my transcript or anything. However, I did have to take four achievements (tests at the end of every worksheet level - I took two math and two reading ones). I was never informed about my scores, and I was hired almost immediately (even before they were graded, so um, I think my director just assumed I was smart).</p>