L and S Discovery Courses

<p>I'm thinking about which classes to sign up for during phase two... </p>

<p>While i'm still waiting on AP results on english, i'm thinking about what to sign up for that doesn't have alot of reading, since im in already 2 poli sci classes, one on "political freedom" and polsci 2, which has alot of reading.</p>

<p>In lookin @ the LandS discovery, 2 courses strike me, and work well in my schedule: the politics of music, and drugs in the brain. I'm not quite sure which to pick, while drugs and the brain sounds kool, it does require a discussion section, while music and politics doesn't. </p>

<p>Has anyone taken them? does either have a lot of reading? anyone?</p>

<p>just be aware that drugs and brain is only 3 units</p>

<p>I hear many, many positive things about drugs and the brain and its professor. I haven't heard anything about Zook (although many take him), what he's like in that class (or if he's taught that class before), or the like.</p>