<p>I dont know why but every time i do problems for this...I feel like I'm bending/skewing math up.
Just this weird feeling. My mind just bends...I dont even know.</p>
<p>thought I"d throw that out there and share with everyone. lol.</p>
<p>I dont know why but every time i do problems for this...I feel like I'm bending/skewing math up.
Just this weird feeling. My mind just bends...I dont even know.</p>
<p>thought I"d throw that out there and share with everyone. lol.</p>
<p>it’s very conceptual.</p>
<p>I found it useful, because I could never remember the rules for limits (which ones go to infinity fastest).</p>
<p>No, you are not bending/skewing math up. You just don’t understand why L’Hopital’s rule works yet, and why is it consistent with mathematics. To be honest, neither do I, but I suspect that will get taught in “Advanced Calculus” (which is basically calculus with all the formalism and rigor attached).</p>
<p>L’hopital’s rule got me through the “limits” chapter ;D</p>