L&S:: how to get rid of units?

<p>so if we need 120 to graduate and 60 have to be in L&S, do those 60 include major req only?</p>

<p>because im gonna be taking summer classes at a CC (2) but only one of those classes fulfill a breadth. the other class im taking for "fun".</p>

<p>is that acceptable? or does everything have to fulfill something? b/c it's HARD to find CC classes that can transfer over AND fulfill stuff.</p>

<p>thanks :)</p>

<p>not exactly sure your question here, but yes, as long as a class is confirmed on Welcome</a> to ASSIST to transfer over to berkeley for your intended class, it will transfer. it would be good to always confirm this transfer of credit with a counselor beforehand.
not all of your CC classes have to be fulfill a requirement - they can simply be there for credits and for boosting your class standing, provided that, once again they transfer and are approved by assist.org</p>