La Paz Pre-Business Living-Learning Community

<p>Anyone know anything about the “La Paz Pre-Business Living-Learning Community”. I got in a couple days ago as a Pre Business major and would like to get some info on this. My #1 choice in dorms is La Paz so this would work perfect if i applied and was accepted. Is it a beneficial program? Whats it like… etc? </p>

<p>To anyone that knows thanks very much!</p>


<p>i just read this</p>

<p>Notice: The wing for men is currently fully reserved. Additional qualified applications will be placed on a wait-list. </p>

<p>hmm... wondering if i still should...</p>

<p>i still applied for La Paz as my #1 choice for dorms.. can anyone tell me about these.. i heard they were nice :/</p>


<p>La Paz is one of the nicer dorms at UA. When I went for my campus tour, they took us through La Paz. I actually asked a student if they would recommend La Paz to an incoming Freshman and he said that he would recommend it if quality is more important than the social aspects of a dorm. I guess it can be pretty "dead" at times. Other than that it seemed to be nice, clean, and up-to-date (as far as dorms go).</p>