LA/SD/B vs. Davis

<p>hi guys, so i got into la, sd, and berkeley, but davis seems like its a really great school too. berkeley seems waay competitive, especially in molecular bio (my major). la doesnt really seem like a bio school, but i know it has a really great atmosphere, and holds prestige like berkeley. sd, though very strong in the bio area, is supposed to have a reallyy bad social atmosphere, and ive heard that a lot of people transfer out. and lastly theres davis, which i know is strong in the sciences and has a really nice social atmosphere. am i crazy to be even considering davis? should i lean more towards one of the other schools? thanks guys, and good luck to everyone else making decisions =).</p>

<p>Haha, seems like a lot of people are changing their minds about Davis after going on CC. When I first applied to the UC's, I didn't really even consider going to UCD, but after learning more it seemed like an appealing place to spend my next 4 years. Read quite a few threads where people who were leaning towards UCSD deciding on UCD as well. So no, I don't think you're crazy. But hey, make sure when you choose, you choose whole-heartedly without any regrets. Visit campuses and see for yourself where you think you'll be able to make the most of college. Talking with the current students/professors in person and seeing life there will definitely help with deciding. =)</p>

<p>There's a reason why there's a Facebook group titled "Getting accepted to UC Berkeley was cool, but I decided to go UCD instead" =P. There's a good number of people who decide to go to Davis instead of UCB/LA on many reasons: competitiveness, proximity from home, environment, friends, etc. Prestige doesn't mean anything. My friend turned down Harvard for Cal because it was <em>way</em> too far. As long as you are happy where you are(which you should-- most UC's are at the very least "decent" in their academics), then all is good =]</p>

<p>Aggie Pride :)</p>

<p>^ gotta agree there :) Davis is a great place.</p>

<p>But as others said, it all comes down to what is best for you. You're the only one who can decide that (and even though it's hard not to, try not to let that issue of "prestige" get in the way).</p>

<p>yeah Davis!</p>

<p>On the contrary, UCLA is very strong in the biological sciences. However, you are definitley not crazy for considering UCD. It seems like you're leaning towards UCD anyway. I'd highly recommend not even thinking about it and going with your gut instincts (aka go to Davis :]). You can achieve anything you want from the schools you mentioned. If you get into crazy research that requires you to relocate or something though, you can just transfer out with no problems.</p>

<p>I am going to Davis, but Cal has been my dream school since forever. I can't imagine someone denying them! It would also be very very hard for someone like me to have turned down UCLA.</p>

<p>Congrats, either way, you'll be going to a awesome school.</p>

<p>thanks guys for your advice! i am still leaning towards davis, but ill be visiting ucla this week to help me make my final decision.</p>

<p>I'd recommend Davis, especially if you're going into something Biology-related. Davis' bio. program is one of the best in the world.</p>

<p>Good luck on your decision! UCLA is a pretty nice looking school from what I've heard. But it's great to know you're not blowing off schools due to its overall prestigiousness (or lack thereof). =]</p>

<p>I went to UC Davis back in the 90's. Therefore, take my opinion with a grain of salt. :P</p>

<p>Before I was accepted to Davis, I wanted to go to Davis because it looked like a really boring school where I could just focus on my studies and without getting distracted with anything else. Since I was going to be a poor college student, I also did not want to go to a place where the rent was too high, and where there were too many spending entertainment distractions.</p>

<p>However, once I got to UC Davis, I was pleasantly surprised. I remembered the first quarter at Davis. Everyone was very friendly and says, "hi" to you. I was actually pretty shocked. That may be because I came from a school where if someone had looked into your eye, it was considered a threat or a fight. :P Looking at a person's eye is a no-no. </p>

<p>Davis always felt like a surreal Disneyland before one ventured out in the real world. There was a study I read back then that ranked Davis as one of the top five places to retire. I would love to retire at that place. </p>

<p>I think the one important criteria that cannot be explained in words but must be experienced is the criteria in living in a true college town. After experiencing UC Davis, I cannot even fathom of going to any commuter school. What's the point of going to a prestigious school if everyone goes there for class and then go home? That's not a true college experience.</p>

<p>Several people said that the University of Texas at Austin is like Davis but bigger. Hence, I wouldn't mind going to that school if I had a choice.</p>

<p>I cannot recall a day when I felt bored at UCD. I was always too busy either studying, hanging out with friends, going to internships, working at various odd jobs, getting involved with various clubs and a fraternity, and taking on some leadership roles in other organizations. There's just too much to do and so little time. The place is so ridiculously relaxing that I enjoy visiting UCD whenever I'm in the neighborhood.</p>

<p>If UC Davis was a girl, I'd marry her.</p>

<p>so many ucd versus threads...</p>

<p>Epic Quad Battle 3 at UC Davis</p>

<p>YouTube</a> - EPIC QUAD BATTLE 3 (UC DAVIS 2007)</p>

<p>UC Davis Bookstore Flashmob</p>

<p>YouTube</a> - UC Davis Bookstore Flashmob</p>

<p>It's so awesome being in a college town, and the fact that the city is SO safe feels so relaxing. I didn't realize until horizontal's post how important that factor is. I can ride my bike or walk to Safeway way late into the night (2 AM was probably my latest so far) or Jack-in-the-box without worrying for my safety from gangs, shootings, etc. I also love how Unitrans (UC Davis' bus system) uses historical London double-decker buses. I still haven't ridden on one, but since I'm living off-campus next year, I'll be sure to give it a shot =D</p>

<p>"If UC Davis was a girl, I'd marry her."</p>


<p>Obviously he was joking. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?</p>

<p>"Obviously he was joking. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?"</p>


<p>Here's something that I should bring to your attention, I was joking too.
Oh yeah, did YOU wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?</p>

<p>Nope I slept just great and I'm in a fantastic mood. Thanks for asking.</p>

<p>Tastybeef, you're being rude on every thread I see you on. What gives? We can't debate two options like civilized people anymore?
At least, you can't, anyway.</p>