lab/no lab?

<p>Hi everyone, </p>

<p>So I'm registering for winter classes and I just had a quick question. I want to take Anthro as my biological science. </p>

<p>I already have a lab science covered (Chemistry.) So I was confused when I was looking Anthro up in the catalog. It lists several classes and then there's only one lab class/time offered. </p>

<p>It lists it kind of like this: </p>

<p>ANTH 1 Physical Anthropology Teacher #1 @ Time
ANTH 1 Physical Anthropology Teacher #2 @ Time
ANTH 1 Physical Anthropology Teacher #3 @ Time
ANTH 1 Physical Anthropology Teacher #4 @ Time
ANTH 1L Physical Anthropology (Lab) Teacher #1 @ Time</p>

<p>So does this mean if you take the with Professor #1 lab is only required for that class that is taught by Professor #1? Or is the lab required of all the sections?</p>

<p>Um I hope that made sense.
Thanks if you can help!</p>

<p>k, it didn’t really make sense haha but if I understand correctly you’re asking if you have to take a lab course with the same teacher as the regular class, the answer is no.</p>

<p>Lol, maybe if I copy out the courses: </p>

<p>05 MTWR 11:30AM 12:20PM NENGO I
06 MTWR 12:30PM 1:20PM NENGO I
07 TR 1:30PM 3:10PM STEMLER A
08 MW 1:30PM 3:10PM NENGO I
09 MW 3:30PM 5:10PM SIMPKINS R
61 MW 5:30PM 7:10PM SIMPKINS R
01L F 9:30AM 12:10PM PILLOUD M</p>

<p>Cuz I’d like to take the section 9 class. So would I have to take the lab for this class? Because I don’t need the lab, but I’m confused as to whether all of these sections require the lab or not…</p>

<p>I would assume you don’t have too. As at my CCC a lab is a separate class worth 1 unit that can be taken with the class the same semester or after that semester. But it’s always good to ask someone at your CCC.</p>

<p>You don’t HAVE to take a lab to take a regular science class. The lab is only if you need to fullfill the IGETC requirement which would mean if you took anthropology you would need to take the anthropology lab. If you already completed the lab requirement you can take whichever science you want without taking the lab.</p>

<p>Just like the two who posted before me, you don’t need to enroll in the lab just to take the regular class</p>

<p>ooh awesome. :] thank you all!</p>

<p>Exception: You must take the lab if its required by the course. Based on how you post the courses, it seems like the labs are attached to the lecture courses and they are not separate.</p>

<p>Most likely they will be separate if the lab and the lecture courses are separate on your CC catalog with separate unit counts. If they are all listed under one section and it is worth 4-5 units, most likely the lab and the lecture are connected.</p>

<p>For physical anthro they list the lab and lecture separately and with separate unit counts. So I was assuming from that they are separate, vs. biology which always lists the lab and lecture together. </p>

<p>There’s only one anthro lab and like at least 7 anthro lectures.</p>