<p>My frustration with this issue has deepened. Ive been looking inside, pondering every day for some answer. Im not really expecting miracles to happen, but I really am in search for progress. In college, I feel that I am lacking close relationships. It has bothered me since the beginning of this school year I am a junior, and all of my friends have graduated. I've been delaying this post for so long, because I've been working to try to improve. It hasn't improved one bit. I talk to people in each of my classes now and am getting chill with the people I work with in my research program. Id also like to note that I am a commuter student, which means that I go to my classes, and I try to hang around either my work, gym, or the library. However, it just doesnt seem to be working so well for my happiness. I dont know why it seems so difficult now. I used to eat lunch with people every day, but we never really branched out. Now, I have learned to branch out and expand my relationships with other people, but I have a lot of acquaintainships. I dont really understand how people become friends past this, especially in a class setting, where the common basis is just the class, and studying for the class.</p>
<p>I have become deeply frustrated with this, and I am fighting hard to just get out of this rut. Every day, I eat lunch by myself, and since I commute, I eat dinner with family, and while I appreciate my family a lot, I sometimes wish I could eat dinner with a small group of friends (4-5 people), just like I did in high school, except for, that was lunch. I literally have only one close connection, and I am getting tired of experiencing college this way. The rest of my connections are random people from club activities, previous classes, current classes, but we are not close friends at all.</p>
<p>My college is predominantly a dorming school, meaning that people do not commute here. Im seeking genuine relationships, and not just people I can hang out with for lunch every day. Anyone feel the same way sometimes?</p>
<p>My sister also went through college, but even less friends for her. Shes way more introverted than me Im just a normal introvert. The way my family is just pure introvertedness. We have the same patterns of what we do, and the routine is just sort of saddening to me sometimes. I have discussed this with my family, but I have never discussed my dissatisfaction about my social life, because I dont even know how to begin.</p>
<p>My only friends who know about this are my closest friends from high school. I'm too ashamed.</p>
<p>Luckily, I am enjoying what I am studying, which is Biology, and Im immensely thankful for that. My grades could be better though. I just wish I could concentrate more, because its hard concentrating with this issue. Im certain that my grades would improve with a better social life.</p>
<p>I was just hoping that things improve... and taking action. I talk to a lot of people, but just need more close friendships. I see other people around me, having a lot of fun, going out to eat every day basically, and I just wish I could do that more often. Not sure if its me or what the issue is.</p>