LACs for the above average but not exceptional

<p>Hello all! So as the thread title says I am an above-average, but not Ivy-Material student. G.P.A. is around a 3.8 uw in the hardest schedule possible. 32 ACT, 2070 SAT will retake both. No SAT 2s yet, will take in the fall. 5 aps so far, 2 5's and 3 4's will do another 5 or so this year. Good but not jaw-dropping ecs. </p>

<p>I am interested in majoring in sociology, English, or gender studies. I have no particular peference as to city or rural, or part of country. I'm really only interested in LACs, no bigger schools. I am attracted to an extremely liberal, crunchy-granola type of environment. My big thing is that I want a school that has a strong dance program, with lots of opportunities for non-majors. Open to womans colleges, and money is not an issue.</p>

<p>Vassar, Reed, and Weslyan are my top choices, but I am aware they are reaches. I am looking for more matchy/safety type schools. Other schools I am considering include Bard, Whitman, Sarah Lawrence, Lewis and Clark, Grinnel, Oberlin, Skidmore, Bryn Marw and Macalaster. Any information about these schools or sugestions for others would be great! Thanks!</p>

<p>So this information is kinda old, but I think it’s still somewhat relevant. My aunt went to Whitman (prolly like 15-20 years ago) and she had a blast. I don’t know what she majored in but she belly danced and continues to do so today, and fits the granola crunchy stereotype. The academics are pretty good as well. The only reason I’m not considering it because of its location, but if you don’t mind that then it looks pretty neat.</p>

<p>Thanks for that! I should mention I’m looking for a dance program with strong ballet, though I am aware most dance programs are modern-based.</p>

<p>I was going to suggest Wesleyan as a match, but you seem to think it’s a reach. I think you should apply to Wesleyan ED if you love it so much because it seems like a good fit for you with your artistic interests and stats.</p>

<p>Wesleyan is about as competitive as Vassar. Stats are in range but these schools tend to be considered “reaches for anyone.”</p>

<p>You already have a perfect list imo. I was going to suggest Oberlin, Bard, and Whitman. You know yourself well and already have picked some great liberal schools. What can you afford though? That will be a crucial factor to whether or not to apply ED anywhere (know your EFC before applying ED to Wesleyan or any other school). But knowing your EFC will also give you a good idea of what schools will offer you need based aid. Not sure if Skidmore has a dance program, but think you need to throw in a couple real safeties. What state are you located? If NY, then SUNY purchase would be ideal, if in VA then VCU.</p>

<p>Duh, now I see you already had Skidmore! Sorry. Then Goucher?</p>

<p>Looks like a very good selection of schools. DD2 attends L&C and loves it. Very crunchy and accepting.</p>

<p>Worth looking up Pitzer, Scripps, Bryn Mawr, Mount Holyoke, Smith, and Hampshire. Haverford is another possible reach. I agree that you have a good shot at the toughest LACs, especially if you apply ED. Use your ACT. You don’t even need to retake unless you’re positive you can improve.</p>

<p>I think you’d like Haverford. It’s a small community of people, very liberal, very little competition, all tests have no proctor and can often be taken in your dorm over the weekend. It is a selective school but I don’t think Haverford ED is that tough.</p>

<p>I’d second Hampshire for ticking the crunchy/granola and dance boxes.</p>

<p>ETA- not sure about the ballet as opposed to modern dance though.</p>

<p>Taken from the Fiske Guide:


<p>I’ve heard more good things about the dance program at Barnard than any other LAC.</p>

<p>I would also add Eugene Lang to the list, though it is slightly less traditional than most LACs.</p>

<p>This link might give you some helpful ideas:</p>

<p>[Colleges</a> That Change Lives | Changing Lives, One Student at a Time](<a href=“]Colleges”></p>

<p>Thanks for everyone’s help! I’m in CA so my true safety will be a CSU, probably either Sonoma or Humbolt. So I now have a few more questions. How many schools should I apply to and what should be the breakdown of reaches/matches/likelys? And what is the best way to narrow down a list of 20 or so without visiting?</p>

<p>Take a look at Occidental College.</p>

<p>Go over to the Dance Major thread for lots of good information.</p>

<p>you might want to look at Chapman [Chapman</a> University - CoPA - Department of Dance](<a href=“Department of Dance | College of Performing Arts | Chapman University”>Department of Dance | College of Performing Arts | Chapman University)</p>

<p>I second Scripps with the option of additional dance at Pomona</p>