<p>I know this might seem like a bit of an odd combination, but its the double major or major/minor I want to pursue in college. (If you're curious, I first started thinking about it after the Atlas Shrugged Philosophy and Physics thing). But anyway, I am definately looking most at small top or 2nd tier LAC's, so if you know of any that have good programs in both, please let me know. If any universities stand out for you as well, please include them. Thanks...</p>
<p>Colgate would be one school where this combo exists. Philosophy is probably considered Colgate's most highly regarded major. When I was there 6 of the top most highly renowned 7 profs were in the philosophy dept. Chemistry is also one of the stronger majors there and is a top 10 LAC for sending its majors to get a PhD.</p>
<p>Check out the claremont colleges, particularly Pomona. Amherst, Williams, Swarthmore, I imagine. Come to think of it, many LACs will do it for you, the higher the list of "best" the better, generally, but check to see what's available at each one.</p>