Wondering if anyone knows the extent that LAMDA gives committed students help (beyond the LAMDA website links to housing) with connections to rental properties or access to other students to flatshare? This is a US student leaving next fall and looking into all the living aspects of the move? Trying to help out 19 year old with the move?
Also questions with banking, phone services, etc.?
In general, short answer is that the student finds the housing themselves. It is done via FB that LAMDA sets up once the class is formed in around June. They do this much later than American colleges. It’s more like moving to NYC, which is also done last minute. All UK London acting programs are like this except for Guildhall which has first year dorm housing (only first year).
Banking and phone is done when there. The first week of school the kids will set up a UK bank–they will need one. Same for phone. They can buy a UK phone for around $200 and then set up a pay as you go. Or they can bring an unlocked smart phone they already have and set up a UK plan once there.
The UK programs are far more independent than American programs. It is more like grad school or a job. It is a wonderful experience and opportunity but the student must be independent. On top of the intensive class schedule, they have to manage living by themselves, which includes budgeting, shopping for themselves, cooking, cleaning, taking care of themselves, going to the doctors if necessary, etc. Budgeting is a big one as it’s very easy to spend money like water there–London is far more expensive than any city I know if in the US. Just to use one example, it’s easy to spend a ton on drinking (it’s legal for 18 year olds) as the pub culture is strong, and the kids commonly unwind in a pub after a 12+ hour day at school.
On the other hand, LAMDA does offer really awesome supports for emotional issues; there is a Harley street psychologist they can use for free, for instance. I feel the UK schools are more open to talking about emotional needs institutionally.
It is a superlative experience, but again, the student must be independent. Good luck!
Thanks!! What is a U.K. Guantee? Have seen that comment on flats that s sent to us to look at. Also I’m assuming with the timing to secure a flat is done primarily by the U.K. Students? If s wants to initiate finding flat mates (since he is “gung ho” on finding places close to LAMDA is it hard to initiate securing a place as a US student?
Also yiou mentioned that banking etc was set up the first week of school? Are classes shorter to get to banks and other housekeeping issues or did your kids go over earlier to tour around the area!
When is the accepted student day/ weekend typically held?
You have been a wealth of info! S is Independent but just questions he/we’ve had since nothing has been sent and just EXCITED!!
Oh and shipping things over? Any suggestions - he has instruments that he live without?
- Shipping things. We've found for important items, it's best to ship to LAMDA itself and the kids can pick up. I wouldn't do that until school started. However for instruments, I'd look into paying extra (if there is a fee) to bring it with him on the plane. This is what my son did with his guitar. My S plays piano as well, and landed a great keyboard from someone, and when he really wants to play, he goes to LAMDA and uses their pianos.
They do have Amazon UK though and that’s been a lifesaver!
- A UK Guarantor is a UK citizen who passes a background check/financial check and will vouch for the rent payments should you be unable to pay. Most Americans do not have one. Therefore you have to pay 6 months upfront. Be prepared to have this money ready. Some places will ask you to pay 6 months upfront and have a guarantor---you can hire a company to be a guarantor for about $1000 fee. All this is not dissimilar to NYC rentals btw.
Unlike NYC you absolutely do not need an agent to get a flat.
As I’ve said, you can’t do anything until the class is formed in around June and the FB is set up. Once that happens, your S can look for places online. There are many sites you can use. This is how he could initiate it-- Like, Hey guys I found a place that’s a 15 minute walk from LAMDA for 130 pounds/week, anyone interested in checking it out. Since he can’t visit it, he would need someone who lives in London to be on the lookout, someone who is willing to do the footwork involved – visiting the place and seeing if it’s ok. Obviously you don’t want to rent sight unseen. Or he can respond to posts from this UK classmates–they might say, “Hey we’re looking for 2 more roommates.”
As I’ve mentioned, the UK pace is very different from the American pace. He won’t be able to get anything now. It is also rarer to find something close to LAMDA the first year (within a 20 minute walk). It’s possible, but it’s harder. Second and third years can do it more easily. Although my D, in the MA program (which is one year), did get something less than 10 minutes away 
- I'm pretty sure if I remember correctly that the schedule the first week was set up so that students could get the banking done. It is a good idea to go out a week early however, so that you can become acclimated to the time change and get yourself situated before class starts.
- LAMDA will say when accepted student's day is. My S didn't go, as we couldn't afford to fly him out separately from flying out to move in. It's fine not to go, although if you can afford it, it would be fun to meet other classmates.
You’ve been great with answering questions- so it sounds like things happen so fast and it’s a “timing thing”. You mentioned that some landlords will want money upfront and a U.K. Guarantor, plus I know that student visas are needed. My s said that LAMDA informed him that his “packet” won’t be sent until end of May and/or beginning of June. If housing goes quickly on the FB page (Juneish) how then does a US student get their student visas quick enough to chime in or get a U.K. Guarnator to be part of the process of renting? Just sounds like all your materials need to be in line for a US student to be part of renting with others- and since the U.K. students don’t need visas it’s easier for them to start the process or initiate it - (especially if you are counting on them to inspect the flat/house). I know you said kids do it on their own but it all goes quickly… just trying to figure out the timing of it all for the US kids, unless US students (due to their circumstances and paperwork) end up together. How many US kids were in your son’s class?
I guess it seems that when Facebook is put up and people are chatting - student visas won’t be completed.
( Found a U.K. Guarantor through ukguarantor.com for $400- but they need proof of student acceptance and paper work from school… so other than Rodney’s phone call and a quick email we have nothing official to start the student visa process …)
For your son and the “White House” students…
1.Did they pay up front the 6 months or did they get a U.K. Guarantor since none where related to a UK family remember?
2.Since you recommended to see the flat/house before you rent can I assume that one of the “white house student” housemates was over in London to inspect the house before they gave their deposits?
3.If students find a nice rental do they long term let for the 3 years instead of year by year?
4. I guess some rentals run July - July or Aug to Aug, etc depending on the agreement? I’d assume that most just rent for a year incase they want to keep their place - all 3 years.
Other non rental questions:
1.Do you kids get home during the longer break?
2.Have you traveled over during a break?
3.In the new LAMDA building is there any small Cafe (I’m thinking like a coffee shop with some food snacks - something small that would be similar to a student union) …or close-by food trucks, inexpensive food markets,food kiosks etc. for lunches or snacks during the day?
4.Are your kids thinking about trying to get a work visa in the U.K. ? Heard that can be a booger to get. Can a student start the process of obtaining work visa while in school or do they need a job offer in the UK first before filling?
5.Materials for classes(books, scripts, plays) do they purchase on line or at LAMDA?
6.Do they require certain classes to have specific clothing (black tights pants and tights )?
7.Laundry- know the brits don’t use dryers all that much? Did your kids end up with a washing machine in their flat/house or use laundromats? A friend who lives there told us most places have a machine…?
If you are tired of asking my questions - just say?Between my son, husband,and myself we have a running list of questions that keeps getting longer - just hard since US schools and conservatories have everything on their webs sites or students packets come in a quicker response. Amy in the registrar’s office said in the email that once committed she would send info to register for courses by late April… committed but have heard nothing back about registering for courses…
(Sorry I know that writing out messages like this can be awkward for both writer and reader when one doesn’t understand and the other is more familiar with the topic!?)
Thanks again!
You pm’d this to me, so I pm’d my answers to your questions! Glad I can help – Good luck!