A few months ago, I landed my dream job at Deutsche Bank, and I was just as ecstatic as a man could be. Years of hard work finally amounting to a high-level job. But today, I am writing this post to credit something other than my own self, but rather applaud Go Further Careers (GFC), a company I turned to when I needed help acquiring the job at hand. After completing my undergraduate course at Peking University, and acquiring my MFe from Columbia, I turned to the GFC team to push me over the edge. Their team has the best qualifications with the financial market and are similar with the entire recruiting process. My personal mentors provided me with ample advice on the technical and non-technical aspects of finance interviews, and overall, their program and mentor-ship scheme left me with a holistically positive experience that garnered much success in the finance industry. I hope today that many of you who struggle with the recruitment process or need the extra push, turn to them too. Feel free to reach out to me, or, better yet, reach out to GFC as below.
GFC Website: https://www.gofurthercareers.com/
GFC Email: contact@gofurthercareers.com
Good luck!