Landscape Architecture and Architecture programs ranked #1 and #4 respectively by DI

<p>For those who are of the mindset that Virginia Tech is mainly an engineering school, I thought I would post the link from Virginia Tech's website that celebrates the #1 ranking for its undergraduate Landscape Architecture program by Design Intelligence for the year 2010. The architecture program was ranked 4th this year. For graduate programs, VT ranks 2nd in Landscape Architecture and 8th in Architecture. Here are the top 5 undergrad programs from DI for 2010:</p>

<li> VT<br></li>
<li> LSU</li>
<li> Kansas State</li>
<li> UGA</li>
<li> PSU</li>

<p>Here is the link with more information:</p>

<p>VT</a> · school of architecture + design · a+d · school programs ranked highly in annual design intelligence rankings: landscape architecture ranked #1</p>

<p>Does anyone know if VT offers a minor in Architecture (or Architectural Studies/Design, etc)? I haven’t found a mention of it on the website, but sometimes those things are well publicized.</p>

<p>Can you please give me a link that doesn’t not bring me to the VT website. I would find it more creditable if it was not on their website. I also find it hard to believe that the top 5 schools are all public. Cooper Union is by far the best architecture school and for them not to be mentioned is a red flag. </p>

<p>[The</a> USA’s best architecture schools in research: 2009 |](<a href=“]The”>The USA's best architecture schools in research: 2009/13)</p>

[America’s</a> Best Architecture & Design Schools 2010](<a href=“]America’s”>
This link and $39.95 will get you the Design Intelligence 11th Annual America’s Best Architecture and Design Schools.</p>

<p>And, contrary to your assertion, Cooper Union is not in the top 20. It is, however, listed as a “hidden gem of architecture education.”</p>

<p>Rankings are worth only what you make of them. DI’s listing, Archiecture Magazine’s listing, even’s are all compiled based on the criteria that that individual list writer has decided is important. Whatever importance that criteria is to you is for you to decide. Your link, if you read the introduction, makes no pretense at being anything other than a summation of research - not education, not quality, not value, just “Our survey is intended to aid postgrads {graduates} seeking a place to conduct architectural research.”</p>

<p>student3311, sorry I don’t have a way for you to see the official DI rankings. (It costs 40 bucks to download). However, I don’t think that the fact that the information is taken from VT’s website skews the results in any way. I am also not trying to imply that the schools listed should be the only ones considered by students interested in Arch or LArch. </p>

<p>Kansas State’s website offers a very thorough description of the methodology involved with this year’s results. I found it to be very credible. Here is the link to that:</p>

<p>[College</a> Ranked in Top Ten | College of Architecture, Planning & Design](<a href=“]College”></p>

<p>Also, here is a link to Tulane’s arch school website. They have copied part of the DI with some of the Hidden Gems in many different disciplines. </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Hope this helps. And BTW the top 5 publics that I listed in the OP aren’t for architecture- they are for Landscape architecture.</p>

<p>"Does anyone know if VT offers a minor in Architecture (or Architectural Studies/Design, etc)? I haven’t found a mention of it on the website, but sometimes those things are well publicized. "</p>

<p>[VT</a> · school of architecture + design · a+d · landscape architecture › minor in landscape architecture checksheet](<a href=“]VT”>
[VT</a> · school of architecture + design · a+d · industrial design › minor in industrial design](<a href=“]VT”></p>