<p>I am currently enrolled in Upper Intermediate Hebrew II. On my degree audit, it says I have fulfilled the language requirement with Upper Intermediate Hebrew I. I have been trying to find out if this is true or not but neither my advisor nor teacher knows the answer. Does anyone know if Upper Intermediate I fulfills the language requirement?? who should I contact?</p>
<p>WHERE do you even take those classes? that will make a huge difference. are you Already at Columbia ?</p>
<p>Also, What type of degree are you looking for and in what part of Columbia if you’re already there? Are you going to Columbia college, any other affiliated college, or a grad school? I am not aware of Columbia language requirements that Every Single applicant needs to follow.I think you are not giving enough information.</p>
<p>If you are already in Columbia, and you will get a little more specific, I think then someone can help you out.</p>
<p>Stanford09… this is the Columbia Forum. Why are you even over here?</p>
<p>why would I not be here? is this place only limited to people who have columbia somewhere in their username? I dont know what is your point and by the way, I dont think that trashing this forum is a good idea when OPs question is still unanswered.</p>
<p>No, but it is limited to a literate population.</p>
<p>I am part of a literate population. What I wrote might seem a little confusing because I was confused.The OP did not specify certain details that would help someone give him the answer. How would anyone know the requirements for a degree or a program that he never even mentions? I do not believe that your haughty remarks will contribute anything to this thread or help the OP in any way.</p>
<p>You’re right. Next time I won’t point out such meaningless observations. Like how he asked a very Columbia specific question in the Columbia forum and someone was smart enough to ask him if he was referring to Columbia.</p>
<p>Well, maybe he is somewhere else. How do I know ? Maybe he is in a different school. maybe he wants to find out about columbia requirements and whether his current courses will help fulfill those requirements. maybe he want to go there someday. maybe he wants to transfer there some day.</p>
<p>In any case, even if I was Wrong, instead of questioning my literacy or asking me why I am “even over here” you could have just given your own response to the OP. You are “smart enough” to do that.</p>
<p>Is this bickering really necessary?</p>
<p>I’m guessing since clinton is talking about degree audits in the Columbia Forum, he is a student there. Your teacher and advisor couldn’t tell you who would know?</p>
<p>Judging from the site below, looks like you have to take two years.</p>
<p>[Middle</a> Eastern and Asian Languages and Cultures | Columbia College](<a href=“http://www.college.columbia.edu/bulletin/depts/mealac.php?tab=courses&courseLevelVar=&coursePointsMinVar=&coursePointsMaxVar=&dayVar=&termVar=&beginHourVar=&endHourVar=&keywordsVar=Second+Year+Hebrew%3A+Upper+Intermediate+II&submit=Apply+Filter]Middle”>http://www.college.columbia.edu/bulletin/depts/mealac.php?tab=courses&courseLevelVar=&coursePointsMinVar=&coursePointsMaxVar=&dayVar=&termVar=&beginHourVar=&endHourVar=&keywordsVar=Second+Year+Hebrew%3A+Upper+Intermediate+II&submit=Apply+Filter)</p>
<p>angrygoldfish, I might have been the one who complicated things more than necessary because my own confusion. However, I dont think that “Stanford09… this is the Columbia Forum. Why are you even over here?” is an adequate response of a person not happy with my post.</p>