Language requirement at UC (university of California)

Hi. I’m currently a high school student in California. I have taken Chinese 1 (101A), Chinese 2 (101 B), Chinese 3 (102A) in my high school. I was wondering if I would need to take Chinese 4 (102 B) to satisfy the language requirement at UC.

If I don’t take chinese 4, would I need to take a language class in UC or is Chinese 3 enough to fulfill the “Language other than English” requirement.

Note: I am planning to take a bio major in UC.


UC’s require 2 years of a Foreign language but recommend 3 years so you are fine.

From the UC Website::::::
Language other than English (“e”) – Two years of the same language other than English or equivalent to the second level of high school instruction.

Oh okay. I was confused since my Chinese teacher kept saying, “1 year of Chinese in high school is worth only a semester in college.” So by her explanation, I have only completed 1.5 years of language rather than 2 years…


1 semester of a college level Foreign language = 1 year of a HS Foreign language class.

UC requires 2 years of foreign language (4 semesters bascially?). Since I have only took 3 years of Chinese in high school, does that mean I only have 3 semesters worth of language right now? Will I need to take 1 more semester of language in UC?

Note: I’m talking about UC graduation requirement, not to get into UC.


Was your HS Chinese classes 1 semester each or 2 semesters each level?

Chinese 1 was 2 semesters…so were chinese 2 and 3

Chinese 1 gave me 5 units and so did chinese 2 and 3…so I have 15 units right now currently.

Then you have 3 years of a Foreign Language so you are all set for the UC’s.

Alright thanks a lot!
So from your answers what I got was, In college, they would have taught Chinese 1, 2, and 3 in 3 semesters (1.5 years), BUT since I took it in high school, it’s still counted as 3 years?

Yes, college courses move at a faster pace than HS courses.

If you don’t mind answering, could you tell me if you went to a UC? If so, what language and how many years u took in high school

I did not attend a UC but a Cal State and I took 4 years of German in High school. My older son just graduated from UC Davis and he took 3 years of Spanish and my younger son is currently attending San Diego State and he also took 3 years of Spanish.

Oh Okay. Your sons didn’t have to take language , but do you know of any instances of your sons’ friends having to take language in UC?

Some majors may require taking a language as part of their General Education requirements or for their major requirements for instance as an International Relations major or International Business. Some students want to major in a language other than the language they took in High School.

Alright thanks so much for your help!

Whether you need to take additional foreign language if you attend a UC depends on which campus and major, and what level of foreign language courses you would place into (if you opt to use Chinese or some other language that you have some knowledge of). Foreign language placement may be done through departmental placement tests or external tests like AP exam scores.

i’d call your target UC and confirm you meet their requirement while you have time to adjust your Sr schedule - or take another CC class.