Language requirements at UT

<p>If I wanted to major in a field in Communications and a minor (or w/e they call it) with the Business fluency (or w/e), how many years of a language do I need?</p>

<p>I've taken Spanish I & II this I need more than that? If I did need, let's say 4, could I take 2 years of another language? I really just don't like Spanish. I've taken it since middle school and hate it.</p>

<p>You could probably get this information on the website…</p>

<p>ok thats not really help. i’ve tried and obviously came here for an ANSWER. thanks :/</p>

<p>Not to sound rude, but the answer is clearly on the website for all communication majors (fourth semester proficiency in a foreign language). If you have further questions or want clarification, your best bet would be to call the college and get the answer straight from them.</p>