Language to take in college?

<p>After high school I will have completed Spanish 5. I'm thinking about doing international business in college and I know language classes will be important. My question is, in college, should I stick with Spanish and become completely fluent in the language? Or start something new? I just think after one more year in college studying Spanish I will be fluent and at the end of the line. After starting a new language my sophomore year in college wont it be pointless because i wont be fluent? Or will I need more Spanish in college than just one year?</p>

<p>If you have good skills in Spanish already, it will take you fewer courses in college to reach the desired level of proficiency (since you would be placed into a more advanced course). Of course, which language is most useful for your desired area of emphasis may also be relevant.</p>

<p>Note, however, that college foreign language courses may be much faster paced than high school foreign language courses. The first year of college foreign language may be equivalent to two or three years of high school foreign language.</p>

<p>^^I agree. Five years of HS Spanish will likely not equate into five semesters of college Spanish. Many colleges have language placement tests so you can take it when the time comes, see how you do, see how many advanced Spanish classes that particular college offers and then make a decision. But in general, I’d say that it would be most helpful to become as fluent in reading and writing Spanish as possible before moving on to another language.</p>