<p>which fujitsu? also, is it heavy?</p>
<p>700d, about 3.3 pounds. that one is more of a desktop complement and not a main pc - 10" 1280x screen,so its perfect for sticking in a backpack (actually, i have mine in a 9x12" padded envelope in my bag), etc.</p>
<p>it looks really cool. do you recommend any monitors to go with it?</p>
<p>The Seventeen inch Power book, is TOO big. It gets very heavy after a week.</p>
<p>as a computer system, are you liking the powerbook?</p>
<p>Currently I am running on a Mac G# tower, 350mhz with 256 mb of RAM. IT IS OLD. BUt works as well or better than many of my friend's PCs. I will be upgrading to the newest powerbook late spring early summer. I have had the cnace to play with them some and newer macs. They run great. OSX Runs so much better than any Windows OS. If u are a windows user, the switch is easy. The Mac Store should help you switch. U will get hooked on the mac. It is a great computer for adventerous kids like our sleve. You can make ur own music and do ur own movies, all with simple easy to use apps. If you haev any questions about macs feel free to email me directly. And i can strike up a great conversation. Plus many of the schools use macs for their reliability and they are less prone to virsus. They are the best computers out there.</p>
<p>By the way, watch out for laptop security. make sure you know your IP address. Its the only thing that saved my friend's laptop from being lost forever. (they caught the thief, a grad student, who was expelled, and deported).</p>
<p>fyi, the above is only true if your college is providing you with static IPs and is not running some kind of DHCP</p>
<p><a href="they%20caught%20the%20thief,%20a%20grad%20student,%20who%20was%20expelled,%20and%20%5Bb%5Ddeported%5B/b%5D">quote</a>.
<p>Ouch .</p>
<p>Yeah, back to China...</p>
<p>Imagine what his parents did to him...</p>
<p>Maybe they bought him his own laptop.</p>