Laptop Internet

<p>Hi, </p>

<p>I am very confused. How does laptop internet work? Is it different from desktops? I used to think that once I get high speed internet I can go online anywhere in the world, but somebody told me something today and now I am confused. Can somebody explain this whole thing to me please?</p>

<p>its either wireless or you connect a lan cable to it just like you connect a lan cable to your computer...</p>

<p>A laptop can connect to the Internet in three basic ways:</p>

<li>Telephone modem: the slowest use a telephone cable to run between your laptop to your nearest phone jack.</li>
<li>Network connection: using an Ethernet cable to run between your laptop and your network box (dorm room or a cable modem from your cable tv provider).</li>
<li>Wireless connection: Your laptop has a wireless card (standards A,B or G) that picks up an over the air signal from a wireless router.</li>

<p>Thanks. For option 3(wireless), do I buy it from a single source and then be able to accesss the internet from anywhere in the world?</p>

anywhere in the world?


No, not even close, a typical home wireless router has a theoretical maxium range of about 1000 feet, much, much less through walls.</p>

<p>so how do people access the internet outside their home? I thought people with laptop can go online outside the home. Hmm, I'm confused</p>

<p>there are hotspots all over</p>

<p>There are plenty of places with free wireless internet.</p>

<p>Starbucks, for instance! Or at least around here it does.</p>

<p>oh I see. But if I am in a car I cannot go to the internet even if I have an ISP? What about the airport? I see people there using laptop internet(I'm assuming) all the time.</p>

<p>a ton of colleges are either one big wireless hotspot or have multiple smaller hotspots around the campus.</p>

<p>and outside of the home, places like airports, coffee shops and malls will all have wireless hotspots.</p>

<p>you cant log into a secure network either...unless you're really good with breaking codes. believe me, my neighbor didnt put up a network key, and i steal internet all the time</p>

<p>Of course people can go outside their home, as bmanbs2 said many there places where you can access wireless internet. Many colleges have campus-wide wireless networks, as do businesses such as Starbucks and McDonalds.</p>

<p>ooh okay thanks. So all I need to get onto the internet on the plane is a laptop with one of those wireless cards, correct? I am about to order a dell laptop 1505</p>

<p>Re: Airports</p>

<p>WiFi access at airports usually have a fee attached. Your laptop will pick up a wireless signal and ask you for a credit card number in order to register and log into the provider's network.</p>

<p>Many coffee shops will offer WiFi access, but it usually requires a credit card as well. Again, your laptop will pick up the store's signal and will tell you if there are fees attached.</p>

<p>If you live in San Francisco, the entire city is supposed to have free wireless access sometime this year. Communities across the country are looking into this... Check with your local city hall.</p>

<p>Your ISP is usually a land-line (phone) or is a cable/DSL modem based which limits you to your home or office. Outside those areas, you have to access your ISP through a WiFi hotspot. If you find free access, you can log into your ISP or E-mail account (if separate from your ISP account...such as a Hotmail or Yahoo account).</p>

<p>On a plane: some airlines already allow passengers to have internet access...again for a fee.</p>

<p>Everyplace else, you can connect your cell phone to your laptop and connect to the Internet (provided your cell phone provider has such a service). It is very expensive!</p>

<p>As for being able to use your laptop internet everywhere: </p>

<p>It's not too expensive and depending on what kind of cell phone you have you may be able to do it without any additional fee. Most cell service providers have cards that you stick in your laptop and are kind of like cell phones for your internet. You can find them for like $40/month. When you think about it, thats not much more than most pay for regular internet now. ... the only catch with the truely wireless internet is that it is sometimes dial up speed slow if you're not in an EVDO or similar area. If you are in an area with EVDO(most cities and suburbs) you can get highspeed internet.</p>