Laptop recommendations?

I have a HS Class of 2021 kid going off to college in the Fall. Right now, today, various parents on the HS Class of 2021 Forum are offering suggestions for backpacks. Scroll down to the most recent posts about backpacks, if interested:

So, carrying around laptops, books, etc. on a college campus is a moot point, back problems or not. College kids are using them (backpacks).

Eye strain or back problems. Pick your poison. Personally, with all the remote learning and phone usage, an extra 2.5 lbs for a large screen laptop is what we’re getting for our D. She’ll be able to handle the extra 2.5 lbs, which is really a silly amount of weight to be discussing. IMO.

In actuality, my D will be using the 16" Apple laptop, which is 1.5 lbs more than the Air version. She appreciates the larger screen for the tradeoff of 1.5 extra lbs.