Laptop system at Columbia

<p>I have 2 questions</p>

<li><p>Have you had any professors not let you use a laptop in class? Because I want to get a tablet to take notes.</p></li>
<li><p>Do the professors hand out sheets of paper like worksheets, notes, etc or is it all uploaded to a central location that everyone can access?</p></li>

<p>Basically I want to be as paperless as possible.</p>

<p>It all depends on the professor (and course). There’s no universal procedure. </p>

<p>Some simply do not work with data files at all and instead use hand-ins. The creative writing department comes to mind.</p>

<p>Some do the exact opposite and only work through Coursework uploads (the online course system) that you have to print yourself. It’s also there that required postings are to be posted on discussion forums. It may be difficult to be completely paperless as some 70+ page readings work far better on paper than on the screen.</p>

<p>No lecture teacher forbids laptop (at least not that I’ve seen) but some seminars and discussion-heavy classes do. My Lit Hum teacher last semester asked that we not bring them for example.</p>

<p>You’ll also develop some awareness. In a class of 15 people all discussing actively you don’t want to be the guy with the laptop, Facebooking in the background.</p>