<p>This morning I knocked over a water bottle, which caused it to spill a small portion of its contents (the head part if you think of it as a *****), and probably about 1/4 of that actually got into my laptop, through my heatsink/USB + ethernet port/and card reader slot. About 6 seconds later the screen went white and I powered it off immediately. </p>
<p>I turned it on its side and started wiping the desk, and about 15 min later I realized I should probably remove the battery.</p>
<p>45 minutes I turned it on for some reason (stupid I know) and the setup screen displayed and then went to a black screen and started beeping, where I got a 'Resource Conflict: PCI slot 01', or something like that, I dunno exactly since I shut it off immediately. There were about two "resource conflicts".</p>
<p>So I passed a couple hours playing BF1942 on my old laptop while it was drying out and turned it on again (stupid I know). Same error, except I apparently had an extra "resource conflict" in addition to the original two.</p>
<p>So yea... Does anyone know what that error message possibly means? Is my laptop fried? If so, is it still possible to retrieve my files/programs? </p>
<p>I have a paper due Monday that's saved on that laptop ><</p>
Acer Aspire 5102WLMi
Windows Vista Home Premium</p>
I think the part you're referring to at the beginning is called the "top".
<p>I figured my description was a little more clear :p</p>
get a MAC!
<p>Don't see how that'll protect me against spills, but that was definitely something I was considering when I get a new laptop the summer before college. (hopefully this will sort out and I won't need to get one sooner) I am a bit concerned about learning how to use a new OS, but I figure I would have to sooner or later.</p>
I suggest going to your nearest computer repair shop.</p>
<p>I've been there before.
<p>The one closest to me isn't open till Monday, oh well I'll just pray it works tomorrow and if not I'll take it to a repair shop.</p>
<p>My brother left his laptop in the rain ALL night (idiot, drunk) last summer. He took it COMPLETELY apart...keyboard and everything. Let it dry for a day and then put it back together. Maybe try that?</p>