<p>taking ang typing up notes is the kind of thing I know I should do, and want to do, and do for about the first 2 or 3 weeks of school (if I'm lucky) and then give up on and fall back into my horrible note taking habbits. As Isay every year (lol) this year I think I'm really going to try to do the whole type it after your write it thing.</p>
<p>I always type my notes (not for math class or anything). I am a much quicker typist than I am a writer.</p>
<p>My handwriting gets way too messy. Typing is the better alternative.</p>
<p>definitely depends on the class.</p>
<p>I don't like coloring notes and drawing arrows and everything. I take them in simple outline form.</p>
<p>typing written notes forces you to read them again, and make sense out of them again. Kind of like in 1st and 2nd grade when my spelling homework every week on monday was to "write all the words 3 times" =P</p>
<p>... that said I don't do it, but I do think it helps.</p>
<p>If people complain about laptop noise tell them to shut up and move to the first row.</p>
<p>and ucapplicant, you might not have needed the notes in high school, but in college they will be necessary. Especially in the classes where lecture material and book material are COMPLETELY different, but you are responsible for them both.</p>
<p>ucapplicant, I second soccerguy 100%. In MOST of my classes, the lecture material and text material are completely separate. And in those classes (in most classes actually) the lecture material is ALWAYS weighted more heavily than the text. If you don't take notes, you're dead.</p>
<p>I've found that I come up with my own ways to compensate for arrows and whatnot on my laptop (usually by typing my own arrows). I was never a big one for drawing pictures with my notes anyway, so my laptop hasn't been that much of an adjustment. But, I also carry around a thin notebook for things that I can't/don't want to type, in case my batteries die, and for days I just don't feel like using my laptop.</p>
<p>When you type up your notes after writing them out by hand, do you put them in Word? Would OneNote be useful on a desktop PC?</p>
<p>I'm not a huge scribbler so all my notes are pretty much just plain text. I'm going to try bringing my laptop to class, though I worry that it'll be too big to fit on small desks (15") </p>
<p>I typed up my notes for high school...I find it really helpful because I read it more thoroughly if I have to type it than if I was just glancing at my notes. I hardly ever read my typed up notes again but it's the typing process that helps (and yea so many people want my notes around Finals time. Some have said that it helped them so much I should sell it hah)</p>
<p>I've also taken to highlighting the textbook when I read assignments, and instead of reading it again, I just type up the highlighted parts when I study. <em>shrug</em> to each his/her own I guess.</p>
<p>Can you use OneNote to organized scanned notes or is there something better for that?</p>
<p>I love my 15", and use it in my lap instead of on desks. It's more comfortable that way, and there is never a problem of it fitting. But then, most of the desks at my school suck... lots of time there isn't enough room for an entire sheet of paper, and when there is, they're sized so that any student of any height and weight can fit underneath, which means they're comfortable for no one.</p>