<p>Do people really type their notes on their laptops/netbooks?</p>
<p>Ive seen a few folks do it, but its not very common.</p>
<p>hmm,icic, I think it’d be more common in history classes and such where it’s somewhat easier to write down notes, possibly biology?</p>
<p>I’m going to bring mine to all of my classes (I’m guessing, you never know…)</p>
<p>i never saw the point in it - unless there was a class with a lot of writing.</p>
<p>but i always it wasn’t worth the time formatting on the computer when it’s so easy to write on paper. for example, what if they need to draw a graph or something?</p>
<p>I do it. It only to go on facebook if I get bored. And besides, I bring a voice recorder and record all my lectures anyways.</p>
<p>I was also wondering if there is a program out there somewhere where it can record the lecture and it automatically transcribes itself onto a word document?</p>
<p>KB-I only wish.</p>
<p>Laptops are not very useful in most classes, but I bring mine to pass the time in particularly boring lectures.</p>
<p>At my school, all incoming freshmen get HP laptops, so it’s pretty common to see them used in classes. Some classes it’d obviously be pointless to bring them to (such as math classes or english classes), but some classes, especially ones that rely heavily on powerpoints, it’s easier to have a laptop so you can take notes faster.</p>
<p>There is a software that transcribes voice to text. its called dragon speak
check it out: [Dragon</a> NaturallySpeaking 10 Preferred](<a href=“http://www.nuance.com/naturallyspeaking/products/preferred.asp]Dragon”>http://www.nuance.com/naturallyspeaking/products/preferred.asp)</p>
<p>I downloaded it through bittorent and it works great.</p>
<p>nice, I will definitely be using that when I go to college next year,haha.</p>
<p>Ugh. My classmate brings in his laptop to play pacman. I hate him.</p>
<p>you can record the lectures??? and they don’t care? wow… that would be really usefull for me to try!!</p>
<p>I dont understand why people say college students need laptops…</p>
<p>I spent the same money and bought a much better desktop and it has worked out perfectly fine…</p>
<p>I used to never rely on it, but last semester used it in all of my classes. There were just too many notes to write, and people would complain that the couldn’t copy them, but it wasn’t a problem since I type a lot faster than I can write… </p>
<p>Make sure to back up notes though… my laptop randomly crashed and there went all my notes, pictures, etc. ;|</p>
<p>I would say that even for classes where laptops are useful, most laptops won’t be productively used. You have to be fairly strong-willed to avoid the temptation to go online.</p>
<p>What if you can disable the internet?</p>
<p>Just learn some self-control. You can enable it as easily as you can disable it. Simply not using it isn’t all that difficult.</p>
<p>Good point. I guess it’s a case of easier said than done.</p>