laptops / tablets for note taking in class

As the subject says, are laptops (small manageable size) or tablets OK for note taking in mainstream classes (science mostly) or are they frowned upon? I realize it depends on the professor and subject, but do profs usually provide slides ahead of time so students can follow along / mark up / etc?

I don’t know about the slides, but laptops or tablets are acceptable in all classes.

Most of my business professors have given slides ahead of time, but not really sure about science. Also, I had several professors that did not allow laptops in their class last semester

It seems that one of the choices for the 2016 IU Presidential Scholar laptop is a MacBook Air, so that would work for class notes and general portability.

I’m a science major and I’ve only used my laptop in one science class during my freshman year and that was molecular biology. I have seen some people use their laptops/tablets to open up the notes and just write directly on the slides with no issues. Most professors don’t have issues with laptops, the only teachers I’ve had that said no laptops were in the humanities.