Large SAT/ACT discrepancy?

<p>Heyy!! I have a pretty good ACT score of 35, but an incomparably lower SAT score of 2180. If I could, I would just not submit the SAT, but of course the colleges see it when they look at my SAT II scores (which aren't that bad), so should I retake it this fall, or should I just leave it like it is. Basically what I'm asking is whether the top schools will just ignore my less-than-desirable SAT score given my ACT, or will they take note of it? I know that a lot of people will say that test scores really aren't that important or it's just a benchmark the adcoms use to see if you're capable of handling the work, but realistically if you look through the admissions decisions for HYP, the majority of people that got it who weren't world class athletes or national champions at chess had SAT scores >2300. I definitely think i'm good as far as ECs are concerned, so the only thing that may hold me back from a place at Yale (my dream school), I think, is the SAT. Any opinions?</p>

<p>Soooooooo glad you posted this. My d is in almost the EXACT same postion!!!Your scores are a bit stronger. She got a 33 ACT and 2120 SAT, excellent EC's and she has the same dilema almost to a T.
Dont have the answer but am waiting for someone in the know to respond.</p>

<p>Yales website says that you can Submit your ACT score but that they do use SAT1 and subject tests for placement.</p>

<p>yeahh, i have considered just not sending in my SAT score report for yale and only sending the 35, since they don't require the submission of SAT II scores, but I think my subject test scores (800, 800, 730) would help more than hurt. ehh...the only thing is that they inevitably see the 2180...</p>

<p>I Know............ I also think it seems suspicious not to include SAT 2's when they specifically say they use them for placement. It's a real gamble and a shame not to disclose them when they are so high.</p>

<p>u should send everything... Not submitting your SATII scores will hurt far more than sending your SAT score. Just so you know, most schools don't hold the writing test in high esteem anyway.</p>

<p>Stupid College Board! WHY do they send all scores, anyways?!</p>

<p>They are inconsiderate.....and they don't want to take the time to do what we need.</p>

<p>I actually think you probably should send everything in. They will most likely take your highest score into account (ACT) and your SAT 2's will be a bonus.</p>

<p>u should only send the ACT score and nothing else.</p>

<p>Doing well on the ACT but not on the SAT = probably not that naturally smart.</p>


<p>Come on, 2180 is not a bad SAT score and given the variance of SAT and ACT scores, your scores are certainly on par. It won't hurt you to submit your SAT scores as well!</p>

<p>Come on, guys. It's a well-known fact that many students do better on one of the tests. It's just a matter of preference. And yes, 2180 is not a bad score at all, and your SAT IIs are awesome. Send both.</p>

<p>HEH. good lord i almost went off on s snack. then i saw his smiley face. which made it all better. i think. anyway, i think the reason for my noticeably lower SAT is that it is not nearly as stressed where i live as the ACT is. like the the teachers have been prepping pretty for the ACT since that's the one that's taken by everybody. only the "smart kids" going to "smart schools" take the SAT. and blindly, at that.</p>

<p>BUT. that's not the point. the point is that there IS a difference, not why there's one. soo, i'm thinkin (since i'm taking the SAT this saturday), if it doesn't go up to, say...2350...not to worry too much? because it's not like i got a sub-2000 score where the adcoms will question my ACT, right? ehh...stupid collegeboard.</p>

<p>Do you really think that the differences between 2200 and 2300 on the SAT or 34 and 35 on the ACT are significant? They are not...
Your SAT and ACT scores are not significantly off so please stop worrying.</p>

<p>:) </p>

<p>Isn't it the nature of all competitive applicants to worry? anyway, thanks and if anyone has more input feel free to post!</p>

<p>I feel that you should send both. Idk about Yale, but I think schools take the highest, either SAT or ACT. Idk if this is true about Yale. But I think you should send both SAT and ACT in anways.
And i agree that its dumb that Collegeboard sends ALL scores in. AHH stupid CB...</p>

<p>Wouldn't a 2180 put a student in the 97th or 98th percentile of all SAT takers nationally? I saw a chart a while ago that put a 2220 in the 99th percentile for all 2006 SAT takers. I imagine a 2180 isn't much lower. So, with testing in the top 99th percentile on the ACT and top 90's for the SAT, I think you can send all of your scores with confidence. They say they take your highest score and I believe them.</p>