Largest incoming class expected this fall.

7014 students accepted enrollment offers when a class of 6400 was projected.
Looks like they have an issue with overenrollment.

Funny that they repeatedly said “6000 incoming freshman” during orientation.

In denial?

@stem2017 My concern is where are they housing all these students. (are doubles becoming triples?) Are freshmen able to get the classes they want to register for? Are more class sections being offered and more faculty being hired to accommodate this growth? It won’t impact honors program students that have priority registration but what about all the other students?

The students will suffer, for sure. Hopefully, the administration is putting together a real strategy to deal with this and not just band-aids. 640 extra students means an extra $10,000,000 in tuition (very roughly). Hope it is put to good use.

They may have the funds to build the infrastructure needed but that is going to take time. Right now there is an immediate need to accommodate these students and I hope quality of education and college experience is not being sacrificed to accommodate growth. It is very likely the next incoming class will be even larger. The issue is can they keep up with the growth and demand. I expect the application numbers to only increase. I hope students are not put in a situation where they have to spend an extra semester or two just to get the classes they need to graduate on time.