<p>GPA: 3.74 weighted ,not sure how to convert to unweighted, but i have about B+/A- in all honors classes and B+/B in AP classes. I took the most rigorous classes my school offers (combination of honors and APs)</p>
<p>Top 15% of fairly competitive school in MA</p>
<p>SAT I: Not very good, and plan to re-take in october
CR 580 (moved to the U.S 5th grade, gonna work my butt off this summer to get it up to at least 600)
Math 740
Writing 610 (same thing with CR)
So should end up with around 2000+, and around 1400 verbal + math</p>
<p>SAT II: USH - 710
Math II - 750</p>
<p>APs: APUSH (4), Bio(3), Statistics(5) this yr (psychology, chemistry, calc AB senior year)</p>
<p>I plan to write about my language barrier for my long essay</p>
<p>EC: Varsity Track and Field (10-12)
Varsity Cross Country (11-12)
Freshmen Football
Church Missions Trips to Boston and Costa Rica (summer 06-08)
150 + hours of community service
Teaching assistant at Chinese School for first graders
Working at a communications company this summer as an administrative assistant, I work full time, as in 40 hour weeks</p>
<p>Please chance me for the following schools (business major) and tell me if I have any shots for merit money :D</p>
<p>UMASS Amherst
Boston University
University of Maryland - College Park
Babson College
Boston College
University of Illinois - UC</p>
<p>Any other college suggestions? (urban, need to have a decent amount of asians, don't care about size but just not tiny)</p>
<p>UMASS Amherst-low match
UCONN-low match even safety
Boston University-slight reach
University of Maryland - College Park-slight reach
Babson College-?
Boston College-reach
University of Illinois - UC-?</p>
<p>UCONN is much tougher for an OOS. Ubfortunately, many of these have merit aid tied tightly to SAT scores, but your combined 1300+ puts you in the running.</p>
<p>That urban things hurts -- most colleges are not smack dab in a city. Are you sure about that criterion?</p>
<p>Pitt? SUNY Buffalo or Albany(SUNY schools are relatively lowcost for OOS)?</p>
<p>College of Charleston? VA Commonwealth (Richmond)? </p>
<p>Sigh, unfortunately need-based aid is basically out of question, unless a miracle occurs :( As for the urban thing, I prefer to be in a city (metropolis) or VERY CLOSE to one. Really? I think my chances at most of my reach schools are pretty slim already. Other suggestions?</p>
<p>I think that Babson, UConn (OOS for biz), and Boston College are reaches. I think UMD, and and BU are lower reaches. I think that NEU is a match. I think that you need more matches and safeties.</p>
<p>How about Towson, Hofstra, Suny Albany as a match (Bing is a reach), and George Mason for match/safeties? I think that they are all diverse campuses and aren't small schools. Here is one more, Drexel (has the coops in case you don't get into NEU).</p>
<p>hello northeastmom, i appreciate you chancing me but I will have to disagree with you. I have looked at the stats of the students who got accepted into UCONN for the past 5 years and the avg. GPA was a 3.5 and avg. SAT scores were 1300/1900. And I have similar arguments for Babson, UMD, and BU. Also thank you for your school suggestions. But I think I'll be aiming way to low if I considered them. Anyone else?</p>
<p>Sushi, they are all reasonable schools for someone with your stats. I would just add some schools that would be safeties. UConn would be a match, but is more challenging for an out of state student from the NE who wants to major in business. Babson is a small school that loves international and wealthy students, and this is why it might be a bit reachy (if you are wealthy, well then I am not sure). Also, make sure that you have a financial safety as well as one for admissions that you would be happy to attend. Best of luck.</p>
<p>UMASS Amherst-low match
Boston University-match ( if your essays are good it'll be a match)
University of Maryland - College Park-slight reach
Boston College- match
University of Illinois - UC- match</p>
<p>You should think about tossing in a high reach, because i think you'll get accepted to all these colleges</p>
<p>You really don't need any more opinions, because we have all basically stated that all these schools are lowmatches/safeties</p>
<p>haha thanks for giving me some much needed reassurance. But I think throwing in a high reach is essentially a waste of money because I probs won't get in. So yea...2 more opinions! esp if you are from MA, CHANCE ME :)</p>
<p>I've also added more schools
So this is my list now:</p>
<p>UMASS Amherst
Boston University
University of Maryland - College Park
Babson College
Boston College
University of Illinois - UC
American University
Case Western Reserve
George Washington University</p>
<p>Very smart, adding the additional schools. I think that Bentley is a match and you might get some merit money from them. I think that American is a match, not sure about Case. If you raise your SAT scores, I think you will stand a better chance at merit money from American. Is USC the University of South Carolina or Southern California? If it is South Carolina, I think that you are in and could win instate tuition if you get one of their merit awards (look at their website for all the info and specifics and what your chances are). I think that UMD is a high match (meaning match/reach), or lower reach. GWU is a match. I still think UConn is a reasonable reach for business (unless your SAT scores go up), or apply as a different major. UConn has a strong well known business school. I think that you should add a couple of safeties, and I would make sure that your family can afford them and you can be happy at them.</p>