last day of school... when?

<p>may 19th.....</p>

<p>same here.</p>

<p>may 19?! june 9th here</p>

<p>June 16th...</p>

<p>By the end of May, all my IB exams willl be done, but I have to go to school. If I miss more than 6 days in a class it is an automatic failing grade for that class.</p>

<p>I graduate May 19th!</p>

<p>graduate June 26th, leave june 28th, BEAT THAT.</p>

<p>May 23rd, kind of an arbitrary day.</p>

<p>not soon enough..</p>

<p>mid June.........................................</p>

<p>graduation is june 22...oh boy...hs went by pretttty quickly</p>

<p>It didn't go quick enough for me lol.</p>

<p>MAY 11th!! 12th is checkout, and we have 2 weeks before rest of school gets out.</p>

<p>May 19th is graduation</p>

<p>May 25th !</p>

<p>I just realized that this is going to be a really short summer for me. School in NJ ends so late, but college start so early....why?!?!?!</p>

<p>Graduation is June 3rd</p>

<p>Senior Finals week (for which seniors have an average of maybe 1 - 2 finals) begins May 25 and one need only attend for finals he has from that point through the 3rd.</p>

<p>Last day is May 11th even though graduation is 15th of June</p>

<p>Why so spread out?</p>

<p>Because that is our last day of exams and we don't have to come to school anymore. Just the way things work here. Besides if I did have to go I probably wouldn't. There is no point.</p>

<p>June 8th. C'mon baby. ALMOST THERE..</p>

<p>june 9th exams over 2 weeks after that. then summmmmer :-d</p>