Last Minute Prep Disaster!

<p>Although I have been prepping for months, I just did some last minute practice tests, and, in a nice way to put it, it did not go as expect. Specifically in the reading section (which is usually my high 30's section) I was scoring like a 29! Ah! I know im pretty tired right now, but how do I get my confidence back before test day? I KNOW what I usually score, but am scared that today's performance will overlap to tomorrow!</p>

<p>GO TO BED! You need to be rested for tommorow go to sleep and don’t worry about it.</p>

<p>Go to sleep!!! You are definitely psyching yourself out. Relax … imagine you are on the beach, …with the sound of waves crashing, …the feel of the sun on your skin…
Now, doesn’t that feel better?</p>

<p>UVA- you type faster than me!</p>

<p>Lol, I need to get off this computer and go to bed but the Yankee game is addicting.</p>

<p>Yes, deep breaths… Just read your recent thread UVA… Your right, confidence is key. i’ve score high 30’s like a million times on practice tests, why should tomorrow be any different…</p>

<p>@2bizee lol that did help</p>