Last minute room selection advice

<p>Any last minute tips for freshman room selection before the fun begins tomorrow? Anyone have any idea on the number of selections per time slot or day? My DS has a roommate with a 7:00 slot on May 1st. They are hoping for 4 in RCS. Good luck to all! </p>

<p>I heard from another mom who had contacted UA Housing that there are 400 students in the first three selection times (6:00, 6:30 and 7:00 CDT). That’s 400 total, not 400 in each time slot (thank goodness). That’s all I know, and of course it was second-hand…</p>

<p>Be on time! You will be amazed at how fast open rooms go. </p>

<p>^^ What ShamrockDad said. Not only are there 400 students, those 400 students will be pulling in other students who don’t have the earliest selection times. Rooms go fast, especially if you’re looking for an entire suite. Be ready to go the second your selection time opens, and don’t waste your time looking for the perfect room - especially if it’s important to you to get an entire suite, in some buildings you’re going to have to grab one right away. </p>