Last SAT dates for application?

<p>Hi, I am an international applicant. Due to the reason that I have to focus on university entrance exams in my home country, ideally I will take SAT and SATIIs after November this year. So my plan is to take SAT in December and SAT IIs in January next year. Application for most colleges close on 1 January and they say the last SAT taking date can be January. Results for January test come out in mid-February, does the timing have any effect on application processing and decision? My concern is that the colleges start reading your application after 1 January, do they really waiting for your SAT scores in mid or late February? Many thanks.</p>

<p>Can anybody help please? Silver turtle - any advice?</p>

<p>You need to check each college carefully because many require that all testing be completed by the December test date (e.g, Stanford, UCs, Caltech). The ones that take Jan tests will consider them and if those Jan tests are actually required for admission, such as the college requires SAT IIs and those are your two SAT IIs, then your file will not be reviewed to determine admission until they arrive.</p>

<p>Thank you, Drusba - very much appreciated. My understanding is that you can take SAT IIs in January, not SAT reasoning - if possible, should have it done in December or before. Is this right?</p>

<p>Only partly correct. Again there are many colleges that require all testing be completed by Jan (incluiding the three I mentioned). Then there are many colleges (such as the ivies), that accept Jan test scores and those accept either Jan SAT or SAT IIs, but to assure they get there on time you need to designate the college in your test application file as one to automatically receive scores upon release (such as one of your free sends). That is the fastest form of delivery (rush delivery which you cannot order until after score comes out is actually slower). I belives there are some that note that the acceptance of Jan scores is for SAT IIs not SAT but I cannot think of the specific colleges at this time.</p>

<p>Thus, you must check the rules for each college to which you are applying to determine whether Jan test scores are timely.</p>

<p>Thank you again for your help, Drusba.</p>