Last time: Reasoning or Subject?!

<p>This is really unexpected. I was planning to take the SAT II's a second time in Jan, which is the last chance of taking any tests.
But now? I don't know what to do.</p>

<p>SAT I: I was astonished, when I got back my results from the Dec sitting. I got lower on every section this time than the last sitting in Oct. CR 560 W 600
SAT II: I took math IIc, physics, and USH cold in Nov. I got mid-600s on both physics and USH. Of course I know, there are not competitive at all comparing with other fellow CCer's.</p>

<p>I know some colleges weigh II's more than I's, but my SAT I's are too low :(
So put math's scores aside. Should I take reasoning or subject tests for the last time in Jan?</p>

<p>I desperately need help :/
thanks everybody.</p>

<p>(Pls don't be sarcastic. I've already had a bad day. Thank you.)</p>

<p>Whichever you believe you can raise in the shortest amount of time.</p>

<p>I agree with arachnotron.</p>

<p>But, what colleges are you applying too? Like you mentioned, some colleges do weigh SUbjects more than Reasoning.</p>

<p>Thanks for the input.
I believe that the answer would be the subjects.</p>

<p>I’m applying to Cal, UCLA, UCSB, USC, UChi, and some ivies. That’s what I’m upset about. My SAT I’s are too low for the ivies :frowning:
I’m not really worried about my EC’s, letters of rec, and essays. just the standardized tests scores…</p>