<p>Ack! I was just looking at last year's transcripts and for some marking periods I had grades in the low 80s. Will this completely knock me out of the running for exeter, andover, hotchkiss? Look at my chance thread, that should give you a better idea.</p>
<p>It depends. If you got all B’s, sorry, but there is little chance. IF you got A’s and B’s, thats average, what most people would get.
The grades really matter a lot If you have some hookss…</p>
<p>My first marking period grades for this year were all 90+/As…Does this make it a little better. It was a mix between As and Bs.</p>
<p>i dont think sooo… last year i started off with straight a’s and then i went to mostly b’s and 2 c’s due to major major family problems. All my interviewers understood. Now im mostly a’s n honors classes and i feel i havea good shot. ur essays and interview really do matter. </p>
<p>Also note i am getting recruited for football</p>
<p>Sorry for hijacking your thread in advance, but last marking period i hadn’t made up a test before my teacher put in grades so she had to put a in a zero. that brought my grade down to an 80 when it was really 98…how do i tell this to the schools or should i just leave it? i mean its going to look weird that i had a 100, thn the 80, and then another 100 for the marking periods</p>
<p>ah… that sucks. </p>
<p>You know, thats what interviews are for. You can explain why you got that 80. In my opinion, that 80 isn’t really bad.
Many peopel do have their ups and downs</p>
<p>this is problematic for me too. My early term grades were bad b/c they (my ‘school’ believes in 4 tests weekly) didn’t give us an adequate adjusting period and my teacher did not clearly state her expectations. I know, i know excuses- BUT somewhat valid excuses. this happened with alot of my teachers. In math I had a 91 in Geometry and a 77 in algebra (
) but my algebra grade got brought to a flippin’ 66 b/c of a 5 problem final w/ material we didn’t cover >.< >.< so my grades were horrible last term.</p>
<p>how do you think NMH + Williston will look at that. I could actually really care less about the others b/c I know I’m not going to get in <em>coughexeterchoatespsandmaybetaft</em></p>
<p>sorry to hijack but i’ve been meaning to ask this for a while :/</p>
<p>Okay any advice for me? thx Hoping:)…I was excited to see so many answers only to see they weren’t for me hahahahahaha…</p>