Late CTOPS = Last Pick?

<p>Is it true that the later your CTOPS is the less choice you will have when it comes to getting your pick of classes? I picked the last week of July for my CTOPS because it worked out best for my schedule but I didn't really think about this issue then.</p>

<p>I have the august ctops(OOS) and I have the same concern. Nevertheless, the advisors have told me that they will save a limited number of seats in all the classes for the rest of the CTOPs students.</p>

<p>it's not really your CTOPS date (because they do set aside a certain number of seats for each date) but the number of the group in which you're registering--i think they generally have like 12 groups per session and group #12 is definitely out of luck.</p>

<p>also, unrelated, but i always advise everyone to sign up for a first-year seminar because they're fabulous!</p>

<p>first year seminar?</p>

<p>My son went to a CTOPS two weeks ago and was in group 12. He did not get any of the classes that he wanted. The groups that went earlier in the day did get the courses. Also, he did not get into any freshman seminars. However, as for the last CTOPS. Add-drop begins the beginning of August and so I am wondering what will be left by the last CTOPS. My son is planning on getting into other classes during add-drop. Many of the classes he wants are advanced classes because he was given 30 credits due to his AP course.</p>

<p>On the other hand, I was in the last registration group for my CTOPS but got all of my first choice classes, so don't worry too much. I think they reserve a lot of spots for first-years; for example, on the course search engine, all of the Arabic classes were listed as full, but all three were open when I went to register.
Also, I talked to my advisor about drop/add, NewJerseyMom, and she said that even if you're unable to add something through the computer system, professors are usually happy to accept another student (as long as you make it clear that you're dedicated). I'm trying to switch into something more advanced as well, and she said that, as a first-year, if you make it clear that you're capable of the work, the professor can register you him or herself.</p>

<p>At my CTOPS, groups 1, 3, 11, and 15 (if there was a of the higher ones haha) had the first registration time. I was lucky enough to be in group 1, but it didn't give me much of an advantage, if any. I think I was the only person in my group (maybe there was one other) who got into Econ 101. They reserve a veryy small number of spaces per class for every group. Also, you are organized according to your major (the one you put on your application), so chances are, you and the people in your group will be looking to add some of the same classes, depending on major prerequisites and all that.</p>

<p>Fortunately they have you organize and list out classes that you would like to take and what requirements they will fulfill before you register. That should help keep your head clear during the frenzy of registration. I would recommend trying to sign up for your most important class first, just to be safe.</p>

<p>And if you don't end up with what you want, don't stress. There will be plenty of schedule flexibility in August with add/drop week.</p>

<p>First</a> Year Seminars @ UNC at Chapel Hill</p>

<p>first-year seminars are nice because you'll get a chance to be in a smaller class with other first-year students. also, the topics are more focused, there are few assignments (from my experience, the courses are more about learning, not grades) and most professors include a lot of in-class discussion.</p>

<p>My daughter did the August CTOPS last year -- the one right before school starts. She was in a middle group, I think. Maybe 6 or 7, and got most of what she wanted, but not all. The drop-add (at least for first years) didn't start until the day after her CTOPS program ended. She got up early, got on right when it opened, and as I recall, got one class she still wanted and a better time for another class. For a class she is taking this fall, she got in by emailing the prof and asking. You may not get all you want, but there were plenty of great classes for entering students, and if you're really diligent, you'll probably get mostly what you want.</p>

<p>I had August CTOPS, and ultimately, through add/drop, got everything I wanted, even going straight into my major. The professors I've encountered have been very accommodating to students who really want to take the class, and they add more classes as CTOPS goes along and when they see high demand. People will change their schedules all the time and will invariably drop out of certain classes (so watch the class lists closely). Through all of this, I am pretty sure you won't have to waste your time in Basketweaving 101 because you went to a later CTOPS. :)</p>

<p>I think I'm still really surprised that at a school as big as UNC you can still manage to get most of the classes you want as a freshman. I do definitely recommend, before the day you register, making about 5 different 'mock' schedules, trying out different classes and times. If you know the call number of a class you absolutely. must. have, it saves a little time if you input that on the registration page and automatically click "add". </p>

<p>You should have heard the hysterical phone call I made to the registrar (or some other office, I don't remember) about a year ago when I saw that the class that I. absolutely. needed. to have. was closed already! Seriously, I really needed to have it (but now I find my desperation hilarious). When I got to CTOPS, even the added class for that course was full, but by the first day of classes, I had a seat. All is now well.</p>

<p>DO NOT STRESS OUT! There is an add drop/date in August and from that point on people drop and add classes like it's their job. You will be fine, a lot of freshmen do not get their perfect schedule, that's just how it plays out your first year.</p>