late ED agreement?

<p>what happens if my ED agreement is late?</p>

<p>1: Why in the world would your ED agreement be this late?
2: They don’t consider you? Wasn’t that required to apply?
3: If you’re talking about your ED acceptance, your school could get pretty poed if you didn’t officially accept them (not even sure how that would work, though, as you accepted as soon as you applied).
4: Haven’t most ED applicants already been accepted/declined? So if you haven’t heard from the school, you weren’t accepted…</p>

<p>In response to #4 most schools will inform you that you weren’t accepted. It’s unethical not to do so.</p>

<p>I’m assuming the OP did not get the signatures needed on the ED agreement (some schools have EDII) and wants to apply. The same thing happened with ED1, and the best you can do is just to indicate on the application you are applying ED and get the form signed and in as soon as you can after that. Looks like that has worked for others in the past.</p>