Late Registration.....anyway possible?

<p>Is there anyway possible I can still register for the June 10th? Late registration was the 19th. Let me know if this is still possible. Thanks</p>

<p>Not that I know of. Since you live in Colorado, the September 26th test date is not available to you. So the next one you can take is the October 28th test, which is still early enough that you can apply to most colleges in time.</p>

<p>Why don't you call ACT Registration tomorrow morning: 319/337-1270. They can tell you for certain.</p>

<p>you can always do standby</p>

<p>I will call them, thanks.</p>

<p>What do you mean by standby? Thanks</p>

<p>If nothing else, I'll take it in October. To apply for some scholarships, I'd need the score by Nov. 1, so that will be tough to do. June is definitely the best option for me, since it is supposedly the easiest and I can get it over with.

<p>Standby Testing: <a href=""&gt;;/a>
It costs an EXTRA $36.</p>

<p>June is not "the easiest". Anything you hear saying that some test dates are usually easier than others is a myth.</p>

<p>The October test date is Oct. 28. You couldn't possibly get the scores before Nov. 6, and you might not have them until mid-November. If you're near an Arizona or Texas test center, you could test in September.</p>

<p>If I knew for sure that I'd get in, I'd do the standby. How often do people get denied for standby?

<p>You don't have to pay for standby if you don't get in, and you could still register for October, so really the only thing you have to lose is a couple hours of sleep. If you call them at the number I posted above, they MIGHT be able to tell you whether the test center you want to go to is already full of registered testers, and which test centers near you have the most space available.</p>

<p>I called them earlier, it is a long distance phone-call. Do you think if you only paid the $27 original fee and went in there on standby, enclosed only the $27, would they take your score? Would they know you were on standby? This is a joke, Collegeboard has a serious problem.</p>

<p>Of course they will know you are there on standby since you are not be registered for that test date. I wouldn't try to get by without paying the extra $36. They will probably void your score.</p>

<p>Also, the ACT belongs to a company by the same name. College Board administers the SAT, not the ACT.</p>

<p>Sorry, I don't get the joke.</p>

<p>They have to charge for standby testing because otherwise there would be little incentive to register in advance, and it would be a huge pain in the *** for the test center staff, and they wouldn't know how many test booklets to ship, etc. If you don't want to pay for the extra work and inconvenience you cause to the people who are providing a service to you, register like everyone else and take it in October.</p>

<p>If you try to test standby without the correct fee, they will hold your scores until you pay.</p>

<p>$36 is a bit much. That is 133% of what the regular test is. $65 for a test that is normally $27. Another thing, since standby is not a guarantee, there is really no point in charging more. Thanks for your help with this, I'll definitely call them.</p>