Hey everyone!
I’m a Junior transfer who was admitted to both UC Berkeley and UCLA for the Fall of 2016 and I decided to send in my SIR to UC Berkeley and decline UCLA. But, I’ve had A LOT of problems occur with Berkeley such as housing problems and financial problems and I feel like I made a mistake choosing Berkeley. UCLA would be far more beneficial for me and I would like to request a late SIR there. The problem is, I emailed them and they responded telling me it will take 2-4 weeks to get a response from the director. But, as you guys know, Berkeley’s semester starts in less than 4 weeks and I would have to be moving up there in about 2 weeks. I don’t know what to do at tis point. Has anyone had any success/failures trying to get a late SIR at UCLA?
Btw, my major is Philosophy (not impacted at all at UCLA).
Did you include information about the time pressure that you are under in your email?
No, but I did call and they said I just have to wait the 2-4 weeks.
Sorry for the frustration, but you changed your mind and created the situation, it is not their hoop to jump through. My guess is it will be quicker than 2-4 weeks and they just say that on the phone. I would still put it in writing, and although they are certainly aware of UCB’s schedule, it couldn’t hurt to mention it. Do you have housing at UCLA? Super expensive there too but at least the surrounding neighborhood is way better…good luck!
I’ll be honest, your prospects are not good at this point. Your best option is to visit UCLA directly and plead your case. This isn’t an appeal scenario per se, but UCLA is pretty strict about its SIR deadline.
I have housing already at UCLA. Thanks!
I already visited and spoke to them, but they informed me I had to wait for the email response.
Hope it works out, the biggest thing is you are at the right schools that is taking you for the first day of classes, wherever that is. All the rest can be sorted out.
Thank you @blueskies2day, I’m hoping it works out too.
You implied that the the problems with Berkeley had to do with the housing and financial offices, but you won’t really be interacting with these parts of the university once you are a student there.
Maybe not, but I’ll be dealing with the debt I accrue from housing for a longggg time.
Meant to say school not schools in post above obviously. Let us know where you end up, really curious how this works out. That is, if you have time to post will driving down (or up) I-5 & 405 in attempt to get to class at UC South or UC North. 
Hey, so for future applicants who are going through a similar situation, UCLA denied my late SIR because it wouldn’t be fair to the students who sent their SIRs in on time. Lesson learned: always visit campuses before sending in your SIR and also make sure you have everything financially planned out early on!