Late Transcript

Quick question, if I told my community college to send my transcript a week before the deadline, and TAMU receives it, a bit late than the college usually sends them, on the 4th when the deadline was on the 1st, what happens then?

@CSCI24 If an application is not received by the stated deadline for when it should be received, then typically your application was not submitted on time and is incomplete.
I would call the department where you applied and find out.
I would also speak with the sending institution. Were they aware that there was a deadline to meet? If so, find out what happened there.

I sent the actual application on time. It was just the transcripts that got late even though it should’ve been received earlier I think and alright, I’ll call them tomorrow. Also one more question, there’s a rule where if the application ended on a weekend, we have until Monday 5:00 CST to have given them our application and transcripts. Would this apply here since the application was on a Friday or does a Friday not count as part of the weekend?

@CSCI24 Friday is not considered a weekend. It is considered a business day.
Do you have a receipt for the transcript request to be sent and did you give them a deadline to send it by? These will be your key points when you talk to your sending institution if they were not sent when requested.

They didn’t give me a receipt for it and they just told me it would be there in two business days so I didn’t think much of it about giving them the deadline. I’ll see what they both say when I talk to them tomorrow, but doubt it will be accepted at this point.

I would ask now for an email/written letter stating the date of your earlier request. The CC should have some record of your phone conversation (assuming handled by phone). Be assertive. Contact TAMU Admissions and tell that exactly what happened. See if they can offer any remedy. These records are often conveyed electronically and thus quickly.

Okay so I called TAMU and thankfully they extended the deadline for transcripts and supporting documents until 8th so I should be good to go. Thank you all for your help and hope I get accepted!

This is excellent, and good luck to you. Never hurts to have things in some sort of written form…just in case and also follow up to make sure records were sent. This is your future we’re talking about, and being overzealous is much better than being passive for fear of “bothering” someone.