Latest you can take the SATs?

<p>i am a senior in high school and i have not taken the sats yet. i am signed up for october 9th ones and am hoping to pass it to be eligible for bright futures scholarship. my question is, when is the latest i can take the SATs in order for my scores to be back in time? i am going to a community college in fall 2011</p>

<p>Not sure what you are asking. If you are asking when is the latest date you can take the SAT for admission to a Florida college for class beginning Fall 2011 then it is the Dec test date for the major public universities in Florida but for community colleges you will need to check because many of those accept later tests if they require them at all. If you are asking when you need to take it for Bright Futures scholarship, that follows the date by which you need to take it for the particular college you are applying to if you are applying for Fall 2011 admission; if you delay going to college for a year or two you still must apply for it by end of your high school senior year and you need a test score completed by then to complete that application.</p>

<p>You can take it throughout your entire senior year to qualify for bright futures.</p>