<p>DianeR -- thanks for the info on Latin. My younger son actually goes to public school, but they don't offer Latin and he wants to continue. My thought is that if I let him take it slow and am flexible, he will continue to enjoy it and later on (in high school) we can step up the pace with an online class or a community college class. I have Artes Latinae I, so we will give it a shot and see how far he gets. since he is only 12, Wheelock's just looks like too much for him. I considered Cambridge or Oxford -- that would also appeal to him, but I needed something more self-teaching (I go to school too!). He may end up repeating beginning Latin materials through several different venues for a few years, but I don't think that will hurt him too much.</p>
<p>I will let you know what my son ends up using for Arabic. Right now, he is just studying the alphabet (reading and writing characters) and some intro travel stuff. We got Pimsleur the short course at the library and it seems pretty good -- but very much the basics. We picked up a book at the library on the alphabet that was recommended by several people -- The Arabic Alphabet: How to Read It and Write It by Awde and Samano.</p>
<p>We are also going to give rosetta stone a shot (it is at the library) when he gets back, but as a supplement. He is either going to do private lessons or a college course when he gets back, but we haven't decided.</p>
<p>If she isn't going to take it in school, you might check out <a href="http://www.arabacademy.org%5B/url%5D">www.arabacademy.org</a> It seems to be the main source for good online classes and has been recommended by many people --some colleges use it and I think you can even take it for credit (depending on your school). </p>
<p>From what I have learned so far, she should at least know the alphabet, both how to read and write it, very well. That is something that is basic to the rest and really slows the kids down at first because it is so different. After that, some basic phrases and grammar would help. there are some other college texts that are used, but I don't remember what they are -- they are probably not self-teaching.</p>
<p>A year in Cairo would be awesome, will she be studying at the American University in Cairo? I will report back after my son gets back and let you know if there was anything really important he wished he had known.</p>
<p>Also, since we are busy packing and such, I came across this really neat product for purifying water that my son will be using while in Egypt. The Aqua Star water purifier. It uses UV light to sterilize the water in a 1 liter nalgene bottle -- very simple to use. Also, I would recommend that she get her rabies vaccination. They do have a problem with rabies and since she is staying for so long, it would be a good idea. it is a series of 3 shots and it isn't cheap -- but well worth it!</p>