LaunchX Summer 2021

Got accepted today! Will we have a group or sth?

when do they release decisions

they said for early apply, it is March 1, for regular, it is April. you could check in your apply portal.

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Did anyone here already finish their interview? What were the interview questions like? Or like just how it went in general

Were notifications for interviews sent for RD?

I think theyā€™re sending them out around this time, I got mine about a week agoā€¦

I know that they are no longer part of MIT but does MIT still host them? Also, do you know where the link is to the A2C post? I got in to launch x but they are making me pay so fast I am worried that they are just another cash cow.

Wait you received the acceptance already ?! (Or were you ED)
IDK if they still have an MIT campus but for the a2c post, just go on to r/a2c and search
ā€œexposing launchxā€

Yes. I did RD but they still just gave me my decision during early March. Iā€™m not sure why. Have you been interviewed yet? If you havenā€™t that might be why. I would have preferred that they waited until April.

My interviewā€™s scheduled for the 18th so yeahā€¦but wow you got your interview request pretty early too

@wwww6688 Do you remember what kind of interview questions you were asked? Like were they they the generic ones ā€œIntroduce yourselfā€ā€¦etc. or were there other ones as well?

Yeah, I was definitely asked to introduce myself as the first question. I think some other things whey asked were like to describe a time where you handled a team situation poorly. They also asked questions about what you hope to get from Launch X and your passion for entrepreneurism. I think you are interviewed by alumni so I think they all ask pretty much the same questions. If you are confident and honest it will help a lot. Hope that helps and good luck!

@wwcherry I was able to find the A2C post. It seems like there may have been a decline in quality over the years but from what I have heard it is still kind of prestigious and is educational. Are you planning on going to Launch X if you get in or are you applying to other places as well?

@wwww6688 Thank you so much! If I do get in to LaunchX Iā€™m probably going to go (I did apply to other places but Iā€™m pretty certain Iā€™m not going to get in)

Does anyone who applied RD still not get an email scheduling an interview? I still didnā€™t hear from them (Iā€™m from NY)

Anyone who did the interview? Iā€™m gonna do mine next week, so could you guys give me some info? Who did you do it with? What questions were being asked? Did they ask a lot about your activities?

I did the interview a couple days ago, and there wasnā€™t anything too surprising. The questions were basically introduce yourself, describe a time you handled a team situation poorly, describe how you handled negative feedback, what you would do with feedback, why LaunchX and entrepreneurship. I donā€™t think the interviewer had access to the rest of my application, and she told me she would basically be typing up a report to send to the other AOs (sorta like how college apps work) so there werenā€™t any questions specifically regarding an extracurricular I talked about/was on my app

The previous posts and threads were also really helpful for prep

Thank you so much! Iā€™m really nervous about my interview since LaunchX is a prestigious and competitive program. Do you think the interview has a big impact on acceptance?

I havenā€™t gotten an interview request yet

Iā€™m not really sure but what Iā€™ve seemed to get from previous threads is as long as you come across confident and passionate and really have a drive it should be fine.